Monday, August 26, 2024

Press Start

 This past Sunday I was talking with the Lord and I said "Thank you for keeping me and priming me". Once I said that I begin to imagine a generator (and with my elementary knowledge on them), I saw the string being pulled a few times then realizing start had to be pressed on for it to begin. You see without the start switch the priming has no effect. 

Now let's define prime.

-Prime: make (something) ready for use or action

-Priming: a substance that prepares something for use or action

In both of these definitions we see the words make ready/prepare, for use and action.

-Prepare:Make ready for use or consideration; make ready or able to do or deal with something

-For Use: the action of using something or the state of being used for a purpose

-Action:The fact or process of doing something, typically to achieve an aim

First point: You are being primed, even if you don't see it right now.

When I said thank-you for priming me. What  I meant was "thank-you Lord for preparing me, readying me"..... For what? You know I don't know. Why am I thanking Him for something I don't even know the end result for because I know God is good, He is a promise keeper and nothing He does is in vain. So what spurred this on for me? Well I was looking back over my life and seeing how God has guided me....(pause, if you don't know me I have songs popping in my head all the time especially when phrases match up. So if you don't know this song reference go take a listen! You've Been So Faithful).  You see I had a plan, I was going to have certain accomplishments, I was going to be living certain places, I would have certain relationships but life didn't work out that way. And in those moments/seasons I felt defeated and didn't understand why, because I felt I was suppose to be at a different point or somewhere else. I look back know from where I am and realize what I didn't understand then, is what I needed to get to where I am now. It all lines up! How so? because life isn't perfect, loss happens, mess ups happen, regrets come BUT GOD. You see God is so good, uses all of life circumstances to fulfill his purpose for you. Nothing will go to waste. In Romans 8: 26-30, we are told that Christians are given the Holy Spirit to help us where we are weak and leads us in harmony with God's will. We have been chosen and called  to the living the God. AND THEN, if we continue on in Romans 8: 31-39 we see nothing can separate us from the love of God and he has made us to be in right standing with Him (not because of my actions but because of His actions). It continues to say despite all of the hard ache in life we have an overwhelming victory in Him. We are on the winning side. 

So as I sit here, as I wonder what I am doing, what does God want for me, am I wasting time. I must REMEMBER who God is, what He says and know His promises for me. You see remembrance is a powerful thing. God called his people to don't forget and remember many times! (See Continual Forgetfulness) Why? Because if you remember what God has brought you through, if you look back and see the Goodness of God you can point to where his hand was guiding you in hindsight. Then you have hope! The hope that the same God who had you back then, when you didn't understand, is the same God who has you now, when you don't understand! Praise God! Thank you Lord! Does that make you want to shout!! I mean Hebrews 13:5-6 tells us God says "I will NEVER fail you, I will never abandon you!" SO I can now say with CONFIDENCE "The Lord is my helper, so I will have no fear/ What can mere people do to me!". 

Second: Press start, take action. DON'T BE IDLE

Now that you know you have been primed for the here and now from what was before. AND you are being primed from your current situation for what is to come. What are you going to do? Does that mean I just sit back and keep waiting for whats next? NOPE! You see back to the generator, if I never turn on the generator, doesn't matter how much priming I do no action will come. What the generator was meant to do won't happen it will stand there idle. This is what we can do with God sometimes. He has primed us, he has prepared us but we sit there waiting, being idle because we aren't where we want to be or we can pitch fits looking at all that hasn't gone our way. I must say I am guilty. I fall into the why me, whats the point BUT GOD is so good. He waits on me to press the start in my life. Start fixing my eyes to what is true, fix my eyes to the promises of God, fix my eyes to what God is doing in my life here and now. Before we press start, we are just idle but it is when we take action and say YES Lord, because the Lord has primed us already. 1 Corinthians 1:6-9 tells us what Jesus says is true. He has provided EVERY spiritual gift that I need and that God will keep me strong. He invites us to a partnership with Him! He wants to walk out life with you, not walk out life for you but along side you! 

Sometimes I find myself living for whats next, where next but God hasn't called me to live life just to get to the next thing. He has called me to live life now, here where I am brining glory to his name. Using what God has already primed me for here in my current situation and trusting the same God that walked with me before is walking with me now. And that can look differently for everyone because we are all in different seasons and parts of life. But its the same faithful God through each season that has readied you for such a time as this (For Such A Time As This). You see back in Esther 4:14 Mordecai encourages Esther letting her know if she just stays idle what if nothing happens? What if God called you, prepared you for such a time as this?

So I say to myself. What if God has prepared me for this time and moment? What if he prepared you for the here and now? What will you do? You are primed for this believer, don't stand idle. Remember the times God has got you through and press start today! You are ready!

Thank you Lord for your grace! You are holy, true, gracious! Thank you for never being afraid of my big emotions, worries, confusion. Holy Spirit you walk through life with me! Your promises are yes and amen. You are the living God who sees all. You have called me to action because you already know you have prepared me. Forgive me Lord when I have stood idle. Your mercies are new every morning and today I press start. AMEN