Sunday, December 8, 2024

Whose Report Will You Believe?

The summer of 2017 my mom had a reoccurrence of cancer that put her in the hospital. I remember one day sitting there, listening to the doctor and he says something along the lines of "Well there nothing to be done now,  she ins't going to get better". I was immediately taken aback and offended. I said "Excuse me, do you believe in Jesus?". He then seemed taken a back and stuttered an answer. I then continued and said "we believe in Jesus and if he wants to heal my mom He can , He is who we trust. So please don't speak death over her".  He proceeded to walk out the room. The audacity!, I thought. Haha really, though I don't play about my family. And if you don't know Jesus then I can only take your words but so far because in my life God has the final say!

Sometimes life be lifin'! Like it may seem like it never lets up, and more than seem, it is actually not letting up. One hit after another. But it is in these moments you have to ask yourself whose report will you believe? Will you believe the reports you hear or see in the hour by hour or will you look up and believe the report of the living God? And I don't mean who do you just say you believe in,  your actions will reveal  who you believe. If we are honest with ourselves and assess our actions we may see we are trusting  the wrong report. I know for myself I can find myself being engulfed with worry, dread or despair.  Or even when I see the devils hand on my family. In these moments our actions and  thoughts reveal where our trust truly lies. 

This is where I believe the zeal of the Lord should push Christians into action. In Matthew 21:12-13 we see Jesus become angry because the hand of the devil at work on His house! Jesus saw the report and said no not in God's house, the report of truth will prevail! Jesus action fulfilled what was said in Psalm 69:9, "Zeal for the house of the Lord will consume me". Where is the consuming zeal of the Lords people that propels us into action? Could this lack of zeal into action reveal to us who we really stay in relationship with? It is only one of two relationships we can find ourselves in, God or the devil? Too harsh? No but it should kind of knick us in the rear and stir up a change. It is sometimes easy to fall into the despair and I believe if I look, those are times I am in relationship with the devil... Do I mean sitting at a table eating talking with the devil? No I mean those are times where I have been distracted, doing everything but growing my relationship with God. Whether that is being consumed with work, TV, gossip, friends, family whatever it is is. Anything that keeps you preoccupied over God is a distraction that leaves you open to the attacks of the devil. God has told his children to put on the full armor of God so that you can stand against the attacks of the devil (Ephesians 6:10-17).  How do we put on this armor? We stay in relationship with God. We have to daily bathe our minds in the promises of God. Spend time in the presence of God, letting his Spirit cover us and give us knew perspectives. As we do this, the veil of deception lifts and we can rightly see and declare the promises of God over our lives, our family lives and friends lives. 

You see the Bible, time and time again, shows that prayer to Jesus changes things. When the devil has a plan, God has one better. An ordained person to pray over that situation, be a light in that environment, which begins to shift the atmosphere. Why? Not because of the person but because of the living God the person has placed their trust in. The God who has gone before them and given them the winning plan.  And it isn't only certain Christians, all Christians it is your job to pray. Pray for that friend, that family member, that coworker. Be a reflection of who Jesus is and has shown himself to be. 

 There should be a "how dare you devil!" moment when he rears his head. Not a despairing moment and taking the punches. No devil! I refuse to allow your turmoil to come over my family! In Joshua 24: 14-15, Joshua declares to the people. Decide today, who you will serve? Whose report will you believe, the devil or the living God? For me and my house, we will serve the Lord!

Thank you Lord for your grace and mercy! Thank you Lord for giving me the ability to intercede for others! Help me to take the responsibility seriously and become zealous for your house when I see the attacks of the devil around me! Forgive me Lord when I have not put on the full armor and allowed distractions and discouragements to frame my perspective. You are the one that is true, You are the one I will chose to believe and follow! I love you Lord, help me to love you more! In Jesus Name, AMEN.

Watch the War Room Snip-it: Submit to God, Resist the Devil