Friday, December 7, 2018

Oh, How Marvelous!

"For ever since the creation of the world His invisible 
attributes, His eternal power and divine nature,
have been clearly seen, being understood through His workmanship
[all His creation, the wonderful things that He has made],
so that they [who fail to believe and trust in Him]
are without excuse and without defense" _ Romans 1: 20

    Wow!! You know I don't think I have noticed Romans 1:20 verse before but it just hit me! There is no excuse for anyone to deny the Lord of all. His creation speaks of his power.  The picture above doesn't even seem real! God you are worthy of all praises, your creation shouts of your magnificence. Psalm 19:1-4 talks about  the heavens and earth showing God's handiwork and glory. This "hand print of God" abounds throughout all the earth. Isn't that amazing!! Know matter where you are there is a hand print of the Lord.
         The Bible tells us how there will be people who would rather believe a lie than the truth of God and worship the creation rather than the Creator ( Romans 1:25). How shameful is that! God is looking down at all He created and His creation turns around and says "you know what I don't need you, I can do everything on my own!" when in reality the only reason you can say those words is because God allowed you too. AND THEN despite all the disrespect God receives from us He sent Jesus to die for sinners so that we would have the chance to change and be saved from the hands of death (spiritual death). WOW!! If I was God I would not have done that, I would be like " You know what I gave you a chance and you blew it, I might as well just destroy you all". Thank-you Lord I do not have that power because I obviously don't know what is best.
          Now we just went over how no one has an excuse to deny the Lord, and there is a way for all of us sinners to be saved from the hands of death which is because of our own doing. Now God isn't going to let the choice of choosing sin be unpunished. Choosing unbelief will bring consequences that will determine where you end up after death. And here comes God ,showing His justness, by letting us know ahead of time of what will happen if we choose to not follow Him so there is no surprise. In Romans 1:18 it says Gods wrath will be against all ungodliness and unrighteousness. People are thinking they are so wise but really are fools and place worldly idols, that don't last, in there heart when there is a immortal God (Romans 1:23-24). For example, these idols could be physical idols , idols in your heart whether of yourself, money, being praised, and family. Basically anything that trumps the living God of all is an idol. God will then get to a point where He will let you go in your own evil desires, meaning He will no longer give you a chance. Thats horrifying!! You could be turned over to a reprobate mind where you have no morals and you literally lose your mind. The only righteous judgment for those who choose to follow their own desires is death and God evens says even those who tolerate and approve of those things deserve death (Romans 1:32). You may say "Isn't that pretty harsh" but you know what I wouldn't want a God that tolerates even alittle bit of sin.  It makes complete sense that a perfect God would be able to create beings and tell them "Hey this is what is good  and right for you, but stay away from this because it will only do you harm" then we humans start getting the idea that "I know it all and no one can tell me what is right or wrong. I wanna do what I feel like doing".  Doesn't that sound crazy!? Why would humans think they would know better or even worse know it all, when the God who lacks nothing created us?
           Below you will find a list of the things Romans 1:26-31 talks about where the participation of and approval of these things calls for death. One of the things listed is 'disobedient to parents', when I read that I honestly thought "wow, really God that made the list? I deserve death because of that?". The answer is YES. What we may consider small things we don't realize that God takes very seriously. He is God over ALL whether you acknowledge Him or not. 

Romans 1:26-31

  • women with women and men with men
  • unrighteousness
  • wickedness
  • greed
  • evil
  • full of envy
  • murder
  • strife
  • deceit
  • malice 
  • mean spiritedness
  • gossips
  • slanderers
  • haters of God
  • arrogant
  • boastful
  • inventors of evil
  • disobedient and disrespectful to parents
  • without understanding
  • unmerciful

Lord, examine my heart! I want to be molded into the person you want me to be. Thank-you for the graciousness  shown towards me. I deserve the judgment of death but Lord you saved me from that. Give me ears to hear, a heart to follow and eyes to see. Father let your praise forever be on my lips.

In Jesus' Name