Sunday, January 2, 2022

Cumbered about much.....


    What does it mean to be cumbered? Well something that cumbers "clutters up" or "is in the way" or "hinders something else". So if a person is cumbered there is something that is blocking or preventing that person to do another thing. Why am I stuck on this word? I am glad you asked :)

    In  beginning of Luke 10 Jesus is sending his followers out to various cities to  heal and proclaim that the kingdom of God had arrived. Half-way through the chapter Jesus begins speaking to a lawyer about loving the Lord with all your heart, soul and mind but also not to forgot to love your neighbor as yourself. Now this brings us to where cumbered comes to play.  Luke 10:38-42 tells us that Jesus and His disciples came to Martha's house along their journey.  Martha of course was making food, cleaning, providing for the needs of her guest. Sounds like alot of work right? Then you will understand Martha's dismay when her sister (who lived with her) was not found helping but sitting listening to Jesus speak! One moment, as I interject. Now if I had company come to my house and my sister did not help me get things out, cook clean whatever, I would have a fit! I would be thinking "we both live here, this is alot of work, I need some help!".  Okay back to the story, Martha was feeling some type of way about her sister sitting around and  not helping out. Luke 10:40 in KJV says Martha was cumbered about much serving and went to tell Jesus. She says: "don't you care? I am serving alone with no help from my sister. Tell her to come help me!".  Now can you hear how she is speaking? Imagine her tired, overwhelmed, maybe even irritated. But in Jesus' response you can hear the love, care and tenderness. He says, " Martha, Martha you are concerned and troubled about many things" (Luke 10:41).  In that one verse, He tells Martha "I see you", I know you are burdened". Wow! I mean don't you love that! But Jesus doesn't stop there, He goes on to say that Mary has chosen what is important, what is essential, that which is good (Luke 10:42). 

    You see Martha was cumbered about many things like getting the food ready, cleaning up, providing needs, etc.. All of these things were hindering her from just hearing the words of the Lord. Mary chose to sit at Jesus' feet and bask in His Words, yes there were things to be done but it was more important to set her eyes on Jesus in that moment.  How do I do that here and now? Well, Jesus didn't leave us emptied handed when He went back to the right hand of the Father. He sent the Holy Spirit to help guide us,  comfort us and reveal the truth and promises of the Word of God. You see we can set aside lifes clamor and choose what is good by sitting at the feet of Jesus . We do this by reading His words for us and to us that come straight from the Bible.   

    I could see myself in this story. The verse said Martha was cumbered about much, I heard "She is cumbered about much. My beloved you are concerned and troubled about many things. Choose what is good. That which is good is right before you, there will always be tasks to be done, things to figure out, questions to answer. I am the answer to it all, nothing else will suffice." 

 You see Jesus said "I see you" the question is then do I see Him? How do I see Jesus? By placing my eyes on Him. There must be a shift of focus from the stuff around us to the One, the King of Kings, the one who provides all answers. Today's devotion brought up the theme for this blog. It says : " Relax in my healing presence. As you spend time with Me, your thoughts tend to jump ahead to today's plans and problems. Bring your mind back to Me for refreshment and renewal. Let the Light of My Presence soak into you, as you focus your thoughts on Me. Thus I equip you to face whatever the day brings. This sacrifice of time pleases Me and strengthens you. Do not skimp on our time together. Resist the clamor of tasks waiting to be done. You have chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from you." So you see, don't allow the clamor of life whether it is tasks, worries, bills, sicknesses ,money, nor questions keep you from turning your eyes or your feet towards the Lord. 

Thank you Lord for your grace! Lord help me to continually proclaim your promises, no matter what direction life appears to be going. You are the Way, the Truth and the Life (John 14:6). You tell me to seek your face, to give thanks to you, to tell of all your wonderful works (Psalm 105:1-4). You are awesome Jesus, thank you for sending your Holy Spirit to bring comfort and clarity and oh so much more!! Let your living waters flow throw me. I pray for those who have not yet become a child of God, I pray their hearts will be softened and their eyes opened to what is truth. In Jesus name AMEN