Friday, September 2, 2022

Keep Watch!

 Keep watch is action. 

Imagine being a lifeguard, you have all the equipment to save anyone in trouble. All you have to do is KEEP WATCH. Is this truly important? I mean what is the problem of taking a break, scrolling on the phone,  maybe a quick nap while on duty? Well I am sure you know what the problem is with that, it's evident, it can come down to life or death. You see, as a lifeguard it is their responsibility to keep watch, stay alert, warn those in danger, and be ready to save those that need help.  So how crazy do I look or how ridiculous is it if I sign up to be a lifeguard and just decide to not keep watch but just stay to look the part? I am at that point useless, I might as well be one of the guests at the pool.

Keep watch is action.

What if I told you people do this all the time! Would that shock you? Well, I am not speaking of lifeguards but those who call themselves christians. As a christian we have a responsibility, just as a lifeguard,  to keep watch. What are we keeping watch for? We are watching for the day of the Lord's return (Matthew 24:37-42).  But keeping watch is not just for my own sake, that would be a selfish way of thinking. No, as a christian it is my responsibility to help those drowning, warn those running on slippery floors, blow the whistle to get the attention of those in harms way. In Matthew Chapter 5 Jesus begins the sermon on the mount, he first talks about the blessings of God. We call these the beatitudes, which are blessed sayings. Blessed sayings for who? For those whose heart is like Jesus (Matthew 5:3-11).  The next thing Jesus speaks on is salt and light. Jesus says salt without flavor  and light hidden is useless (Matthew 5:13-16). What point is adding tons of salt to food when the salt itself is no longer salty? What good is my flashlight in the dark when I just hide it and no light is shown? What good is a lifeguard that doesn't watch and take action? What good is a christian who just plays the "christian" part without really impacting those around them? 

Just recently, I read a post called Awakest, Thou That Slumbereth! (this is a wonderful read for the church and I encourage you to take some time to read).  This article encouraged me towards examination for myself and I am grateful for that. The Bible speaks of keeping watch, remember keep watch is action! 

In Matthew 25:1-12 Jesus gives a parable of the kingdom of heaven where ten virgins went out to meet the bridegroom. Well in due time they all became weary and went to sleep, so when the bridegroom came calling only five were actually prepared to go. At the end of the parable Jesus says in Matthew 25:13 to watch therefore, for you don't know the day or the hour when the son of man returns.  Understand, there are consequences for sleeping during times when you should be awake. You can't just sleep on the job, you can't just sleep on your responsibilities and as a child of God I can't just sleep on my call to action.  Read this excerpt from the previously mentioned article: 

"Yet, I made a big mistake. Somehow, I began to equate “slumber” with inactivity. I thought that those who were “sleeping” were basically those who were doing nothing…people who were lazy…but I couldn’t have been more wrong. That is when God directed me to study sleepwalking. Webster’s defines sleepwalking as: The act or an instance of walking or performing another activity associated with wakefulness while asleep or in a sleeplike state. You see, sleepwalkers are active. They are doing things. From the outside looking in, they have every appearance of being awake. However, they are technically asleep. Please hear me when I say that this same thing can happen to you spiritually! You can walk through life with no consciousness of your real spiritual condition, in a dream-like state, believing that you are what you are not. You can be active in your church, praying, fasting, studying, and all the while be sleeping spiritually. How do I know? It happened to me. "

 Being spiritually asleep doesn't necessarily mean you don't do anything it could mean you are sleep walking. You see this isn't condemnation this is just a wake up call. A wake up call for who? I am pointing the fingers at myself, I am not exempt.  But I am sounding the alarm for those too who need to awake. We must evaluate ourselves truthfully. 

"Unresolved and unrepented sin opens the door. Unforgiveness, pride, lust, gluttony, self-consciousness, fear...the type of sin does not matter. That is why it is so important to examine ourselves to see if we be in the faith. Don’t let your salvation become something you dream about, or dream away. The day of your salvation is now! Maybe you read this article and can see some of yourself in these words. Maybe you have been wondering why you are almost comatose when it comes to finding out and doing God’s will for you in these last days. Maybe you are starting to feel as if you are becoming a part of that Laodecian Church. If so, I can only tell you what God has told me, “Wake Up, Keep Watch!” (Isaiah 52:1-2). Don’t think that God will just remove this spiritual haze from your life. Cry out to God for deliverance. Examine your life and see where there may be areas of compromise with sin. God promises that when we wake-up, He will give us the light we need to be revived ( Ephesians 5:14)."

 What better time to call out to the Lord than now? What better time to act, to awake and keep watch than now? Luke 18:38-40 tells of some blind men who cried out to Jesus saying "Jesus son of David have mercy on me". They weren't whispering this they were insistent, raising their voices above the crowd because they were desperate for him. Those around them told the to be quiet and they yelled even louder " JESUS SON OF DAVID HAVE MERCY ON ME!". That's desperation from the heart! Do you want this thing foreal!  No matter what is going on around you, no matter how many nay sayers, go to Jesus!

Lord thank you for this day! You are Holy, Just, Sovereign and True. Thank-you for your continual call to your church to wake-up, keep watch, and take action. Help us to take that to heart today. I pray that my actions will not be done mundanely but that my actions and words will be ones that are intentional.  Bless those Lord that continue to be your hands and feet.  I pray for those who have not yet accepted your call that you will place your laborers in their path to drop seeds of truth. Jesus give me eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart to follow your directions. In Jesus' name AMEN

Be My Shalom