Friday, November 11, 2022

What is Good?

My question to you is, what is good? what is bad? The dictionary says good is morally excellent, of high or adequate quality, well-behaved, kind. The dictionary defines bad as not good, bad quality, unpleasant. What is sin? Again, the dictionary says it's an offense against a religious or moral law. 

Many people in the world say " I am a pretty good person" or "I do good things". BUT, with God He is separating what is holy and common, this is not good and bad. Good and bad is almost like the surface stuff, holiness goes much deeper than that. According to websters dictionary it says holy is recognized or revered as sacred. For instance, there are people and religious groups that consider certain things sacred/holy (whether traditions, lands, or ideas).  For these people, they know there is a certain way to act or certain things to stay away from to keep the sacred sacred. 

You see holiness goes beyond just being good or bad. So why does God deal with the holiness? Because He is holy. God is undefiled and can not be in the presence of defilement, he is sacred and set apart.  

Consider the image below. There are three columns and two numbers to choose from for each. Observe each column and choose the line that is the straightest in each, either 1 or 2. 

Okay, for column one I would pick #2, for column two I would pick #2 and for column three I would pick #1. Did we get the same? maybe, maybe not. This little challenge is kind of up to the viewer because for each column  there isn't a line that is truly straight. So this means 100 people can do this and everybody is not going to get the same answer. Why? Because without a truly straight line we are only comparing bent to bent lines. 

Now try challenge number 2 below, same concept: choose the straightest line. 

Okay easy assignment right? In column one #1 is the straightest line, in column two #2 is the straightest line and lastly, column three #1 is the straightest line. Compared to the first image, this image probably was quick and easy to complete. You didn't have to stare long or hard. Why is this? It's because we compared two lines where one was truly a straight line. When comparing a truly straight line to any other line we are able to see what is straight or bent right away. Therefore we become more accurate in discerning what is correct. If 100 people were to do this challenge I am sure if not all, most would get the same answers over and over again. 

Now what has this got to do with you or me? Well let's go back to what we were originally talking about. Consider the first challenge comparing two lines that both had various degrees of bending. This is like comparing two people and trying to determine how "good" or "bad" they are. For instance, I can compare myself to someone else and say well I feel like I do "this, this and that" so I would say I am pretty good in comparison to "so and so" who only does "this and that". Another person can come along and say well I thing the other person is good because they do "this and that" where you don't do "this and that".  Again you see how 100 people can look at the same two people but come up with different answers why one person is more good or more bad.  Why? Because you are comparing two bent lines, both people aren't perfect.  So then how do we discern what  is good or bad? We must bring in a truly straight line, we must bring in someone that is truly good. That person is Jesus. Jesus is Good meaning pure, no defilement, no sin, even a step beyond good He is holy, set apart, sacred (Psalm 34:8; Psalm 107:1; Revelation 4:8; Hebrews 4:15). 

So do you see? When you bring into the picture what is true and straight you can accurately then discern what is true what is right and wrong, what is good or bad , and what is holy or common. So when I hold up Jesus and myself I then see how bent I truly am (no matter how less or more bent I am compared to another person, bent is bent). Just like the second line challenge. When I compare Jesus to me, Jesus wins every time because he is the perfect straight line. So does this mean I am doomed and shouldn't even try to compare myself to Jesus? NOOO, this realization just shows me I can't become holy without the only holy One. God is holy and perfect and because of that he can not reside with those who are any other way because it goes against his nature (who he is). This means we are the ones that must change, not God. God is never changing, perfect, he is our measurement of what is fact or fiction.  

Okay, how does he make me holy? Well first God had to redeem you from your way of life (your bent-ness *yes I made up this word*). Remember that you, me, we all are bent already because of our sin. Redemption: to pay off, to recover. This is what redemption looks like: God is so rich in kindness and grace that he purchased our freedom with he blood of his Son and forgave our sins.~ Ephesians 1:7. You see, we are bound/constrained by our bent-ness, we can't make our own-selves straight it requires divine restructuring of our inner parts. That is where Jesus steps in, he frees us from the constraints of sin and forgives us which looses us from our bent-ness (Romans 3:21-26).  This freedom sets us in right standing with God, meaning we can be in the presence of God because we are no longer considered common but holy. This has nothing to do what I did or accomplished but has everything to do with what Jesus did for me. 

Is that it? I have been redeemed I have accepted the free gift of Jesus and acknowledge He is Lord , am I done and just waiting for the end? NOOO. Being redeemed is not just fire-insurance (from hell: complete separation from all that is good and true who is God). It is to set you on the path of restoration.  Restoration: to bring back to good condition; to give back. This is what restoration looks like: Look, Gods' home is now among his people! he will live with them, and they will be his people. God himself will be with them. He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever (this is the final restoration of God's people to himself).  You see after being redeemed you are set on the path to be restored. You are being continually made new from your bent-ness so that you become more and more like Jesus.  This is a journey and process because we still live in a sinful world and earthly body. The work Jesus does on you isn't starting on the outside, he goes straight to your inside (your being, your spirit, your character). He does what only he can do (Acts 3: 19-21). 

Okay now is that it? I am redeemed, I am being restored, I am good...NO AGAIN. Nope if we ended there it would be a pretty selfish process, that is ALL about me! God is selfless, loving, and just. He didn't create a process that was all about selfish ambition. No, after being redeemed, while being restored and on the path to full restoration he calls you to share the good news! He says okay you are being made new (putting away what opposes the character of God), now share. Share your testimony, share your journey, share what I have done and am doing in you and what I have done for others who don't yet know (2 Corinthians 5: 15-21).  We are all going to die, so we have only this life to choose Jesus or not (Hebrews 9:27). The choice is yours, no one can twist your hand to trust in him. I would just say, you don't know it now (if you don't know Jesus as Lord) but He is the best decision you could make in your life. He loves you, loves you enough to die for you before you even step on to the path of holiness.  Who can say that? Who else would do that? Die for you knowing the wrong, the deception, the guilty verdict we hold; all because he wants you to turn to him, love him and be changed for the better. 

And the one sitting on the throne said : Look, I am making everything new! What I say is trustworthy and True! It is finished! I am the Alpha and Omega--The beginning and the end . To all who are thirsty I will give freely from the springs of the water of life. All who are victorious will inherit all these blessings, and I will be their God, and they will be my children.~Revelation 21:3-7

Oh how marvelous is the presence of God! How wonderful are his mercies that are new every morning!! Are you thirsty to for the Lord, the living God, the sovereign King who created all things? God says if you thirst after me you can receive freely from the source of life. Jeremiah 17:7-8 says those who trust in the Lord and place their hope and confidence in Him is like a tree rooted deep. This tree is planted by a river and has a lasting source of water. So no matter the weather, whether hot, cold, dry it stands unaffected.  The tree keeps baring fruit and staying green.  For those who are Christians your source is Jesus. So no matter what is happening in your environment, stand rooted in Christ. You see the verse doesn't say the tree doesn't experience the droughts, or the heat. But it does say the tree stands not worried or bothered by what is happening in the midst of where it is. Thank you Lord! So get up Child of God! Grow deeper into the presence of the Lord.

There is an inheritance open for the taking. Revelation 21:3-7 verses are talking about an inheritance and it is open to all who want to take part. Jesus Christ redeemed you by dying on the cross to pay for your sins and He will come again to bring final restoration to his children.  But continue reading on, after verse 7 comes verse 8. It basically says those that are unholy, those who choose to stay in their bent-ness will be forever cast away from the holiness and goodness of God (Revelation 21:8). See as stated before we all are going to die in this world, but after is eternity (forever). We make the choice now, in this life,  whether we will be forever with what is good and just (Jesus) or forever separated from any goodness or justness. Verses 3-7 is only for those who choose Jesus.  The question is do I choose to live according to my own will, my own desires, my own bent-ness or do I surrender myself to the one who gave it all to me, to live a life worthy of his holiness?

I hope you consider today what was said. I pray that it opened some eyes, perked up some ears, and pierced hearts today for the saved and unsaved. Walking with Jesus doesn't mean I am perfect, far from it. But it does mean I can correctly discern what is right and wrong in myself and then I can repent and turn to Jesus for help to unbend my bent-ness. Thank- you Lord!

Thank- you Lord for your grace, giving me gifts and benefits of being a child of God which I am undeserving of. Thank-you for your mercy towards me, that even in my fickleness you are compassionate and with-holding your wrath from me.  Thank you Lord for your patience with me, giving opportunities to repent and turn to your presence. Jesus you are Lord, you are King, you are the one and only living God. Forgive me of my selfish ambition, continually turn my heart to you. In Jesus name, AMEN.

Worship song below:

Thy Mercy, My God