Monday, July 13, 2020

My Daughter, Trust Me.

What does it mean to fully trust?

I am just being honest,  I struggle with fully trusting. It is far to easy for me to worry, doubt, and hold back. It is a daily battle, that I feel I don't always win but that is where grace steps in. Grace is for (in the words of Pastor Brogdon) the "Oh man" moments in life not the "Oh well". What does this mean? I am glad you asked :) . The difference between these two statements shows the difference in my heart condition. When I sin I can say "Oh man! Lord I messed up, I was not walking as a child of God. Forgive me". Or when I sin I can say "Oh well, thankfully grace covers me". Do you see the difference, one heart is repentant while the other continues to walk in sin.

 Scripture tells me to trust in the Lord with my whole heart (Proverbs 3:5-6).  What does this mean? I think it means being a child with no worries, trusting that my father will protect me and provide all my needs. Imagine a father reaching out to his kids hand saying, "hold on to me, I have you".

As a christian we are likened unto a child, we are children of the King (John 1:12). Christians become welcomed into God's family unit. Think of a child, they have parents that take care of their needs. It is not the responsibility of the child to go find food, pay for clothing and figure out shelter. So why do I find the need to figure out where I am suppose to be, work, or live? It is not my job to worry about these things, it doesn't mean I lay on the couch and do nothing but I should not give any energy into being anxious about it. No amount of worry/anxieties can add even an hour to my life (Matthew 6:27) so I should not give any amount of time into it because it is just waisted time.  The Father loves me as a father loves his child, it is a relationship. 

A relationship is defined as "a state of being connected" whether that's concepts, objects or people.  A family relationship calls for responsibilities for all sides. My responsibility as a child was to obey, learn, grow in what I was being taught. My parents responsibility was to teach, provide, and love me. It is the same relationship I am to have with God. As a child I am to obey what the Father tells me, learn what is right and wrong, and grow to bear good fruit.  The Father provides  for all of my needs, teaches me what is right and wrong , and loves me continually through the ups and downs.  The Father only wants what is best for me, his child, therefore He will only do and tell me what is best for me.

Now it looks to me, the Father has not given me one reason to not trust Him. He holds nothing back from me, He allowed his Son to die for me so that I may be apart of His family. The Father just says  to believe in my Son ( Matthew 6:29). So why is there a struggle?... Sin. Sin has entered the world and brought death (Romans 5:12). Sin has brought spiritual death, to keep every person from a relationship from the living God. But God, knew people...He knew I would mess up and He had a plan because He is a good Father who wants all of his children to live with Him. Can you see it?! God's gift, Jesus, allows me the ability to conquer sin and death not by my own power but by the blood of Jesus (Romans 5:17).  I now have a right relationship with God (Romans 5:18), because Jesus paid the price of my sin just for me and you. This is truth! And you know the devil will continue to tell you, you aren't good enough, you are not righteous, you are a hypocrite. The devil is constantly accusing the children of God (Revelation12:10). BUT GOD, says no SATAN that is my child! And they are covered by the blood, I have cleaned them of their sins and will make them new. Thank you Jesus! We must...I must combat the devils accusations with truth from the Father himself.

When my dad tells me something, I believe him. God is greater than people, so His Word should outweigh any doubt and fear because He only speaks Truth. The devil tried to make Jesus fall to sin when He was on earth but Jesus' responded with words of Truth from the Father. We must do the same. We must engulf ourselves in the truths and Word of God so that when the devil comes around you have a firm foundation to stand on.

So yes, I have struggles, yes I fail sometimes but God I am here for you to change. Here is my heart, help me to trust with all my heart. Have my ambitions, goals, desires. You are my all in all.  Thank you Lord for this process. Thank you for taking me out of the fire and being patient with me. Lord I am sorry when I lean on my own understanding, when I run to fear before running to you, when I doubt your goodness. Jesus you are my Redeemer (Ephesians 1:7), my stairway to heaven (John 1:51).  Holy Spirit teach me (John 14:26). Father draw close to me as I draw close to you (James 4:8).  Thank you Lord. You are an Almighty living God! You love me Lord, He loves you! He wants you and only wants what is best for you!

For whoever reads this just read this last little bit:

God loves you! Don't let the devil tell you your sin, your mistakes are too big for God to handle. It is not! He wants you! You may have felt unwanted but the living God who made you wants a relationship with you! Come to Him. He will give you a joy, a peace, a love that surpasses all human capability.  Lord, thank you for this reader today, touch them where they are right now. Be with them Lord through every trial. Help them to trust you full heartedly. In Jesus Name