Sunday, September 29, 2019

Leaving the Box Behind!

Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If any of you wants to be my follower, 
you must give up your own way, take up your cross, and follow me."
Matthew 16:24~ 

My box is comfortable, I know where everything is I am content and used to what is around me...
I am talking about my comfort zone, my comfy box that I was okay with staying in. But thank the Lord He knows best!! Even though I was "comfortable" I begin to pray that the Lord would take me out of that zone of comfort. I needed to be kicked out of my box, kicked out of my comfort zone, no longer content and comfortable I needed to be stretched.

It is like going to class every day sitting in your "not assigned" seat that is "your seat". I don't know about you guys but if someone sits in "my seat" I am thinking "UM HELLO thats MY SEAT". That is how life was going for me. I was in a cycle of being comfortable, and content with the Lord, deciding to sit in "my usual seat". Which is a dangerous place to be because if I am not growing in Him then the question is "Where am I growing if not in the Lord?". So God brought me to a point where contentment wasn't enough, more was needed. I wanted to be ACTIVELY seeking to walk in the way of the Lord. It was time for a seat change! Which means I needed to get out of my comfort zone, the Lord needed to kick me out because being left to me I preferred comfort. And that is just what He did!!

My life has changed and Jesus has changed me so much in just the past two years and continues to do so!  His love, grace and correction is continual. This seat change, is definitely difficult at times but the Lord reminds me that He is in control of it all!! Not just one little aspect, He has TOTAL control and despite how I feel I must hold on to TRUTH.  In the moment you may feel like....(fill in the blank)...BUT in reality what matters is what God has said and what is truth despite feelings. The devil will try to get you to focus just on how you feel in any situation because if you stay focused on what you feel like you are not focusing on what God wants for you in that circumstance at that moment.

Matthew 16: 24 tells us that Jesus says we must put aside our selfish interests and pick up the cross and follow Him. Just before this verse Jesus had told the disciples they needed to beware of false teachers, Peter recognizes Jesus as Christ, Jesus tells about his coming death, and satan is rebuked in Peter. This is when Jesus starts to tell the disciples that this road will be costly. First I have to deny myself. Deny myself what? Deny my wants, my desires, deny ME.  I have to take the "me, I, my" out of the equation because it isn't about me it is about the Lord.  Next, I need to pick up my cross. Now the cross was not only a horrible way to die but it brought shame for anyone there. In Hebrews 12:2 It states how Jesus is our example and that he endured the cross, disregarding the shame just for the joy of completing His goal (which made a way for all to be saved). So when we are told to pick up our cross it not just a phrase you brush off but that you must take seriously. The cross was a slow death, and we must die to self continually through our life till we reach our goal that is set before us. Picking up my cross is a daily activity not a one and done. This means for me not being comfortable, not being worried about what others think of my actions, not reacting because of what I feel should have happened, not letting my desires to please myself guide my actions and so much more. It is a process but it is a process that is worth the journey.  Last, Matthew 16:24 says to follow me. You have given up your own way, you are picking up your cross daily and now you will be able to follow Jesus. Jesus took this path and knows it well that is why He can tell us to follow Him. The great thing about that is He won! If we are following the winner we are guaranteed to win!! Jesus not only walked it out, He  invites us to join Him allowing Him to guide you along the way. So, leave your box behind! Is it easy no, but is it worth it YES!

If there is anything I can be praying with you for please do not hesitate to leave a comment or message me at:

I want to know Jesus more, more than I have ever before. Jesus engulf me with your presence and glory! I want my relationship with you more and before anything else!! You are KING and LORD, I want you to be Lord over every aspect of my life! Thank you Jesus for your sovereign power, your grace, your long-suffering toward me!

I Want to Know You More