Friday, December 7, 2018

Oh, How Marvelous!

"For ever since the creation of the world His invisible 
attributes, His eternal power and divine nature,
have been clearly seen, being understood through His workmanship
[all His creation, the wonderful things that He has made],
so that they [who fail to believe and trust in Him]
are without excuse and without defense" _ Romans 1: 20

    Wow!! You know I don't think I have noticed Romans 1:20 verse before but it just hit me! There is no excuse for anyone to deny the Lord of all. His creation speaks of his power.  The picture above doesn't even seem real! God you are worthy of all praises, your creation shouts of your magnificence. Psalm 19:1-4 talks about  the heavens and earth showing God's handiwork and glory. This "hand print of God" abounds throughout all the earth. Isn't that amazing!! Know matter where you are there is a hand print of the Lord.
         The Bible tells us how there will be people who would rather believe a lie than the truth of God and worship the creation rather than the Creator ( Romans 1:25). How shameful is that! God is looking down at all He created and His creation turns around and says "you know what I don't need you, I can do everything on my own!" when in reality the only reason you can say those words is because God allowed you too. AND THEN despite all the disrespect God receives from us He sent Jesus to die for sinners so that we would have the chance to change and be saved from the hands of death (spiritual death). WOW!! If I was God I would not have done that, I would be like " You know what I gave you a chance and you blew it, I might as well just destroy you all". Thank-you Lord I do not have that power because I obviously don't know what is best.
          Now we just went over how no one has an excuse to deny the Lord, and there is a way for all of us sinners to be saved from the hands of death which is because of our own doing. Now God isn't going to let the choice of choosing sin be unpunished. Choosing unbelief will bring consequences that will determine where you end up after death. And here comes God ,showing His justness, by letting us know ahead of time of what will happen if we choose to not follow Him so there is no surprise. In Romans 1:18 it says Gods wrath will be against all ungodliness and unrighteousness. People are thinking they are so wise but really are fools and place worldly idols, that don't last, in there heart when there is a immortal God (Romans 1:23-24). For example, these idols could be physical idols , idols in your heart whether of yourself, money, being praised, and family. Basically anything that trumps the living God of all is an idol. God will then get to a point where He will let you go in your own evil desires, meaning He will no longer give you a chance. Thats horrifying!! You could be turned over to a reprobate mind where you have no morals and you literally lose your mind. The only righteous judgment for those who choose to follow their own desires is death and God evens says even those who tolerate and approve of those things deserve death (Romans 1:32). You may say "Isn't that pretty harsh" but you know what I wouldn't want a God that tolerates even alittle bit of sin.  It makes complete sense that a perfect God would be able to create beings and tell them "Hey this is what is good  and right for you, but stay away from this because it will only do you harm" then we humans start getting the idea that "I know it all and no one can tell me what is right or wrong. I wanna do what I feel like doing".  Doesn't that sound crazy!? Why would humans think they would know better or even worse know it all, when the God who lacks nothing created us?
           Below you will find a list of the things Romans 1:26-31 talks about where the participation of and approval of these things calls for death. One of the things listed is 'disobedient to parents', when I read that I honestly thought "wow, really God that made the list? I deserve death because of that?". The answer is YES. What we may consider small things we don't realize that God takes very seriously. He is God over ALL whether you acknowledge Him or not. 

Romans 1:26-31

  • women with women and men with men
  • unrighteousness
  • wickedness
  • greed
  • evil
  • full of envy
  • murder
  • strife
  • deceit
  • malice 
  • mean spiritedness
  • gossips
  • slanderers
  • haters of God
  • arrogant
  • boastful
  • inventors of evil
  • disobedient and disrespectful to parents
  • without understanding
  • unmerciful

Lord, examine my heart! I want to be molded into the person you want me to be. Thank-you for the graciousness  shown towards me. I deserve the judgment of death but Lord you saved me from that. Give me ears to hear, a heart to follow and eyes to see. Father let your praise forever be on my lips.

In Jesus' Name

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Eyes,Ears and Heart

Why do I pray for eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart follow?

Ears to Hear. I never want to be the one to stand in my own way of the Lord talking to and using me. In the Bible Jesus talks of people in the Bible not having ears to hear.  Physically they can hear fine, but they have a spiritual deafness. So what does this mean for me? This means I need to be spiritually in tune for what/when God speaks. God says my sheep know my voice (John10:27). How do we know the Lords voice? The answer is we have to have a relationship with Him. How do you form a relationship with someone? You need to spend time with them, get to know their likes and dislikes. Spending time with the Lord can be done through prayer and reading the Bible. God sent us His Word so we may know Him and continually get to know/grow in Him. 

Eyes to See. The Bible talks of people who were foolish and did have eyes but don't see (Jeremiah 5:21). Even Jesus explains to the disciples how the people have eyes and don't see (Matthew 13:13-15). I don't just want to see the day to day life of people but rather see God's hand in ALL things. Sometimes, actually a lot of times I miss what God is doing because I am not looking for it. It's easy for me to take for granted what the Lord has given me and not be grateful for literally everything I have. I want to intentionally look for what God is doing around me because God is not stagnant. He is on the move continually, and He will keep moving whether I am with Him or not. So the only answer for me is to make sure I am with Him. I want eyes that are searching and seeing the moves of God in my life. 

A Heart to Follow. Alright,  if I can see what God is doing and hear His voice the next step is to take action. The information that God is speaking and moving does nothing for me if I do not act on what I know. The Bible talks about how the wise  are like a person building on a rock, this is like HEARING & DOING. But the foolish  are like ones that build on the sand (unsteady ground) which only hear and do not act (Matthew 7:24-27).   I do not want a heart that is hardened towards God. The Lord should be able to mold me in any direction He sees fit. I want an obedient heart that that is willing to follow all that my Father tells me to do. 

Why am I in love with Jesus?
Let me tell you about Jesus! :) Because of sin I could not have a relationship with God. Jesus was sent to the cross so that the penalty of sin, which is death (eternity away from God), would be paid for. Jesus ,resurrected from the dead, defeated death so that it no longer has a hold on my life!!  He was the ultimate sacrifice for my sins, and there is nothing I can do to earn that salvation. The Father has presented a gift for you and me to accept, one that we don't deserve. Jesus is the Truth, the Way and the Life. NOBODY can reach the Father except through Jesus Christ.  And that is why I am nothing without God, He gives me everything I have and has every right to take it away. I want to live doing the will of my Father no matter what is happening around me. Jesus took the penalty for me. He is my Rock, Overcomer, Mediator, Forerunner and much more!! Knowing all this wouldn't you want Jesus to be the love of your life?!

Truth is truth whether you choose to believe it or not. God isn't going to force you to believe. So the question is,  am I willing to change if the truth contradicts what I believe? Even if I believed it for a long time? Yes. I definitely don't know it all, but I know someone who created it all and lacks no knowledge or wisdom!! I don't know about you but that just excites me!!! When I don't understand something or am struggling my God is right there for me to go to!

Jesus What a Savior (click here)

Thank-you Lord for giving me another breath today! I pray for those who don't know you that you will open their eyes to the truth.  Have mercy on those who have turned away from you, don't give up on them yet. Please guide and direct me the way you want me to go and help me to be intentional in every action. Give me eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart to follow your direction. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Lord, can you hear me?

Lord can you hear me?
  Hey Lord, are you there? Sometimes it feels as if I am shouting into a cave only to hear myself answer back. I am going from one class to the next, running from one job to the next, preparing for one thing to next..juggling life. The noise of life can be so loud that I can miss the voice of the Lord telling me to BE STILL, be still and know that I am God.

  In Psalms 46 it talks of mountains shaking, troubled waters but in the midst of it all not to fear (Psalms 46: 2) and to be still.  Psalm 46:10 " Be still and know (recognize, understand) that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations! I will be exalted in the earth."

  Be still...What does it mean to be still? When you search for be still online these are a few definitions that show up:  " to be freed from noise or turbulence" and "uttering no sound".

  Maybe being still is listening, giving the same amount of time talking to God to stop and listen for His voice. Sometimes we can talk so much and the Lord is saying "Hey you! are you going to stop and listen to me? Don't you think I know best for you. Why are you trying to handle it all? I want you to cast your cares on me." In 1 Peter 5:6 it talks about humbling yourself so that the Lord can use you at the right time then  it says  (verse 7) "Casting all your cares [anxieties, all your worries, and all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares about you [with deepest affection, and watches over you very carefully]." Wow! let's look at this word "Cast" according to the dictionary cast means "to throw something (forcefully) in a specified direction". The Lord wants us to throw, hurl, launch (I think you get the point) all of our worries/concerns His direction because, you know what, He can handle it and doesn't want you to try to take it on yourself! Why does He do this? It's simple because He cares and loves you.

  Now maybe being still is waiting... Oh man that can be a tough one! Sometimes life is crazy and is throwing everything it has your way to knock you down. I find myself saying um Lord its me again, do you see whats going on? Are you listening to me? Can you help me out here? And the Lord says "Wait. Wait because I know what is best. Wait because I have a plan. Wait, and continue to trust Me".   We aren't promised things will be easy, we are actually told there will be tribulation and suffering but not to lose hope because Jesus has overcome the world (John 16:33).

  Today, this week, life in general has been pretty challenging and just when I think everything is going down hill the Lord let me hear this song by Shane and Shane called Psalm 13 This is basically a prayer for help, saying "Lord have you forgotten? Will the sorrow end? How long will enemies rejoice over me? Give life to me again." The great part is that it doesn't end there! its says BUT "I will continue to trust, rely, and be confident in your faithfulness and lovingkindness. Rejoicing in Your salvation and I will continue to sing because you are good to me!". Wow! I don't know about you but this hit home for me! I had to stop and thank the Lord because even when life is tough and I sometimes feel like whining , He is  always good!!

Psalm 13:1-6
"How long, O LORD? Will you forget me forever?
How long will You hide Your face from me?
How long must I take counsel in my soul,
Having sorrow in my heart day after day?
How long will my enemy exalt himself and triumph over me?
Consider and answer me, O LORD my God;
Give light (life) to my eyes, or I will sleep the sleep of death,
And my enemy will say, “I have overcome him,”
And my adversaries will rejoice when I am shaken.
But I have trusted and relied on and been confident in Your
Lovingkindness and faithfulness;
My heart shall rejoice and delight in Your salvation
I will sing to the LORD,
Because he has dealt bountifully with me."

Lord thank-you for another day, another breath! Help me to listen and wait for you Lord. I don't want to make one move without your hand over it all. Jesus use me the way you see fit. Help me to put aside my will and do the will of You Father. Thank you for keeping me and reminding me of  Your mercies. Give me ears to hear, eyes to see and a heart to follow.

In Jesus' name_AMEN

Shane & Shane Psalm 13

If you want me to by Ginny Owens

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Going Where Christ is Going

A great read! click the link below

Going Where Christ is Going 

We must stand not only for the word of truth,  but stand for the truth of the word.

What is the difference?  Many people claim to stand for God's word, but do not actually believe what it says; rejecting what they do not like or do not understand in order to suit their own souls.  Standing for the truth of God's word means not trying to dismiss it, diminish its power, or deny its divine inspiration.  The truth of God's word is a sword and will cause division (Matthew 10:34; Hebrews 4:12).  We should expect that.