Saturday, July 24, 2021

Continual Forgetfulness...

I wonder sometimes, how did the Israelites continue to turn away from the Lord. They saw his hand so many times!! And then I read the warnings to the people " Beware unless you forget",  "Stay alert, don't for a minute forget", "Don't forget what God, your God, has done".... Next I see "They forgot their God", "They soon forgot",  "They went out to look for lovers and forgot all about God".  Do you see,  God knows the human heart inside and out. He knows we get distracted and can have fickle hearts, so he continues to shout REMEMBER! DON'T FORGET!  STAY ATTENTIVE! What are we suppose to be remembering? We are to remember and recall what is true, who is true, and who we are in  Christ (1 Jhn. 5:20). 

What happens when we continually forget? What does is mean when we continually don't bring to mind the truths of God? If I am not remembering the truths of God that means my focus is elsewhere.... I would then  say I would be likened unto a prostitute...Yes I said it but stay with me, I will explain...  Let's look at Hosea. God told Hosea to go marry a prostitute and have children by her!  Now you may say "No way" well my answer is go read Hosea then come back :). Anyways, God told Hosea this to illustrate how Israel had turned against the Lord and went to worship other gods (Hosea 1:2).  Throughout the book it says that Israel had forgotten the Lord and continually turned to other lovers.  What can that look like in today's time? Well I can say for myself that can look like worrying about my career, worrying about life, being a people pleaser, being "too busy" to meditate on God and His Word...ect.  These actions really can be summed up into one word DISOBEDIENCE....what too harsh? 

**side note: Guys I am literally writing this and the Lord is just connecting the dots, Disobedience came to my mind and while I am typing I wince like "ouch!". But you know what, I want  the Lord to be able to expose me, clean me out, and mold me because the end result is growth!**

So disobedience. It is not harsh it is just truth! Lets back this up with scripture: 1 Peter 5:7, Philippians 4:6-7, Philippians 4:19, Matthew 6:25-34, Isaiah 41:13, Colossians 2:23,  Matthew 6:1,  Proverbs 3:5, Proverbs 29:25, 1 Thessalonians 2:4,  Joshua 1:8, 2 Peter 3:18, Proverbs 8:18, Proverbs 3:6,  Matthew 6:33, Jeremiah 29:13, Psalm 14:2. Theses verses and others tell me to not worry, please God, and draw close to Him.  Therefore, if God is telling to do these things and I don't then the word for that is disobedience.

 About a few weeks ago a lady named Shay Arthur posted a post that said " Disobedience exposes the mistrust you have towards God".  She said " we can know in our heads all day, the promises of God but if we really believed them we wouldn't have trust issues. Even if we are obeying 95% of what He spoke that other percent is things we haven't yielded to yet. Half-heartedness is disobedience still!"  Whooooo, like go back and read that one more time. When I first saw that I was like "ouch" alright Lord, but even now it is such a powerful word!! It is so true! 

So we have continual forgetfulness which leads to disobedience which is evidence of mistrust. Mistrust is one of the places the devil loves for people to be especially when it comes to the Lord.  Whether it stems from forgetfulness , doubt, hurt feelings, ect.., holding mistrust towards God will cause you to question his Words, wonder if there is an alternative motive and not fully obey what He says. All through out the Bible the devil questions the intentions and truthfulness of who God is so that he can detour people from knowing and believing who God is and who He has called them to be. From eve in the garden to Jesus in the desert (Gen. 3:1, Matt. 4:3). The devil questions if  people really know who God is and whether what God told them was actually correct. The devil wants people to feel uncertain in the only thing that is 100% certain and true. Isn't that just like the devil!! The one who doesn't have an honest space in his being begs the questions "CAN GOD REALLY BE TRUSTED?". You see how slick he is? He KNOWS what is true and does everything in his power to bring into question the intentions of the living God.

Even in my forgetfulness, half-heartedness, or disobedience the Lord is is still true, merciful, compassionate , filled with unfailing love and is good.  Yes the Lord is all these things including righteous, a honest judge, a perfect ruler, and perfect Father. But people have a choice, I have a choice and God will let me choose. The Father is true to His word, He loves you with all of His heart! He wants you! BUT the decision is up to us, each individually. Am I gonna trust the Lord? or am I gonna follow my own understanding?  (Prov. 3:5-6)

God is calling for people to turn and return to Him! The living God who knew you before you even gave a thought of Him is in the business of RESTORATION. No matter what is going on, no matter how deep or far you think you are, God is not deterred. He is not afraid of your mess! He just wants you! He knew humans would be messy, they would turn to their own wants instead of seeking Him. Even knowing this He created you! He has and had a plan from the beginning, to redeem the lost and heal the sick. He showed you His heart by sending Jesus his son as a way of redemption. The devil meant for your shame, hurt, loneliness, doubt, and mistrust to keep you from the only One who could make you truly whole and complete. BUT what the devil meant for harm the Lord can and will turn it around for good! (Gen. 50:20; Jhn. 3:16-18)

Thank you Lord! Thank you Lord for your mercy! Oh where would I be without your grace! Lord I repent of my own disobedience and mistrust! Thank you for being in the business of restoration and not being afraid to get in my mess! Help me to continually remember your Truth and authority you have given me. I want to be steadfast and consistent to You just as You are to me! I pray for any reader that you open their heart, ears, and eyes to who You are and who they are in You! 
In Jesus' name AMEN.

Thursday, June 10, 2021



Even the desert has a flower. This thought came to mind a few weeks ago. It is absolutely amazing how every season brings a new opportunity for growth. It would be dreadful to have all things grow only in one season then the next all die. Now when you look at the earth there are some plants that only grow in certain seasons but there is always something else that is growing.  I just find that awesome because no matter how harsh the season, plants still thrive, growth still happens, life is still found. 

Now how does this relate to God? Well the answer is Jezreel. Jezreel means that God sows, or plants or provides seed. The Father is the Master Gardener. He knows what his garden needs to grow, produce, and to reproduce no matter what season comes (Jhn 15:1-2). So that gives those who follow Jesus...that gives ME no good excuse not to grow and not just grow but produce and reproduce. 

 So the next questions are, am I seeing growth in my walk with Jesus? Am I planting seeds of truth around me? Am I allowing myself to be pruned by God and those He places in my life? ...These are important questions and they can be answered by my actions. When I get frustrated am I quick to give up? When I am annoyed am I quick to get angry? If someone is rude and dismissive, how do I respond? Do I only see the desert and not the desert flower? Answering these questions for myself, I can say that I have more growing to do. 

Growth requires a commitment.  A commitment to the process, to the pruning, and a commitment to act. Pastor John made this point of commitment and growth in service the other day. He also said " The results of our actions should reflect our growth in God".  This is very true! If I am not committed to Jesus and don't allow Him to refine me then the outcome is  that my actions don't reflect who He is. To put it plainly, without commitment there isn't  growth, no growth means no life, and without life how can I live for Christ? A garden is full of life because there is growth happening. 

God's garden is a living garden, it is growing, producing and reproducing. The Lord  provides tools for His people to grow in and closer to Him. The Father has given us  Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the Bible, and other members of the family of God to help us grow and know Him more. Growth brings about transformation, so the question is Do you want to grow? Are you committed to grow? Will you be committed to God? Even though I type these questions asking you, I have to ask myself these questions.  God is not in the business of making dead things, but rather bringing life. He wants you to grow in Him which in return will transform your life by bringing the best out of you. 

Thank you Jesus for your steadfastness! I repent of my fickle tendencies! Help me to be committed! I want to be committed to grow no matter the season I am in! Thank you for your grace and mercies that are new every morning!!

Verses to read:

Proverbs 4:23, Ezekiel 36: 26-27, Matthew 13:3-8, 2 Corinthians 9:10, Galatians 6:8,  Matthew 9:37

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Chasing Feelings


"And we are instructed to turn from godless living and sinful pleasures.." (Titus 2:12)

    So much of the world today is becoming feeling based. What I mean is, people are being controlled by their feelings and making decisions purely based on a feeling.  I bring this up because of an ethics class I took this past fall. I realized all of our discussions were followed by a question, whether each circumstance/action was "right or wrong".  Of course being in a 20+ class there is always people saying "yes they were right" or "no they were wrong" or "the person was both right and wrong".  These opinions were purely that, viewpoints based on ones feeling of the situation. So then, that brings the question, who is right? How do we decide what is right and wrong because everyone has their own feelings. I may feel having a chocolate bar every morning is okay and another person may say that isn't okay. That is just a silly example but what about more serious life questions? Can every individual just go off how they feel? As long as it feels right for you, does it make it right?

     I am going to give a plain answer that you may not like, your feelings does not mean something is true or right. Let me say it another way, We can't base our actions on how we feel, because it could lead us to a path of lies or bondage. Now I am not saying feeling are invalid or unimportant and should never be considered. No, feelings are a very real  BUT our feelings are based on the moment and each individual.  So if our feeling are so fickle, how can we base ethics (right and wrong) on any persons feelings. Majority may feel that this one thing is right but I can tell you there is always one that thinks differently. So in this case, does majority always portray what is right? Do you see what I am getting at? People have to have a standard when taking action, and the standard has to be true always, in all cases.  Well I can tell you one thing, you aren't going to find something like that among people here. So is it just impossible? No. Jesus is that standard. Jesus is never changing, He is Truth, anything that does not line up with His words is false despite any feeling (Jhn 14:6; Heb 13:8).

    So why is it so easy to get caught up on feelings? Why is it "church folk" go to church to feel good? Why is it easier to make an action/decision because it "feels good"? Why is it so easy to be swallowed by doubt, fear, and uncertainty? How come our feelings can have such a control over our lives?  My answer to this is that it is because the devil will use any and everything to keep us focused on ourselves. Feelings is purely based on "how I feel".  Again feelings are not bad or wrong but feelings can be used to manipulate us into to not seeing the facts. That is why it is of the utmost importance to hold onto and know what is truth and the facts of the matter. When our feelings are leading us to lies, we can hold on to the truth that is never changing (Jesus). Jesus tells us to take your eyes off this world (off of ourselves) and look to Him, where the truth lies (Heb. 12:2; Titus 1:2). 

    Jesus walked through this life as a human, He knows the struggle, He had to fight against His feelings by looking back at God the Father,  pulling strength from the Holy Spirit. Jesus knows how it feels to be abandoned from friends and family, He knows how it feels to be hated by your community, He knows the feeling of being alone, not heard, disregarded. Jesus knows and says "trust me! I Love you daughter! I love you son! I want you as part of my family! I know the struggle is real, don't let your feelings hide the truth!" 

    Chasing feelings can lead to a path of destruction, lies and bondage. How do I know this? Because Titus 2: 12 says we should turn from sinful pleasures. So right there it tells me, some of our pleasures/feelings are not right, they are sinful. So I must turn from those feelings, don't act on them but rather turn to God and live a life that honors Him. 

     I want to challenge you today take one step. That step is to lift your eyes to the Lord (Psalm 121: 1-2). He wants to help you through your circumstance right now! Maybe you are wrestlings with your feelings and I want you to know you are not alone! I want you to pick one promise from the Bible that specifically contradicts the feeling you are struggling with and memorize it. Say it out loud every time your feelings tries to lead you down a path that is not true, hold on to the promise! 

    Thank you Lord for your grace!! I feel I fail continually Lord, but I KNOW you are truth and my firm foundation. NO MATTER how I feel Lord, you reign forever! Help me to get strength from your Holy Spirit. I want to be lead by you, every action, every thought, every word spoken. I pray for this reader today that you speak to them, help them to lift their eyes to you Jesus. You are our Healer, Provider, Way Maker, Lord and so much more!! Thank you Lord! Thank You! I live to worship you and bring glory to your name. Sharing the truth to every ear that will hear. 

In Jesus Name, 


Spirit Lead Me :