Sunday, December 31, 2023

New Year, New Sprouts

First off Happy New Year! It is another year for new opportunities, new revelations, new friends, new GROWTH!

You ever heard of a sprout? Well other than the store, when a seed sprouts it begins to grow. Webster Dictionary defines sprout when used as a verb as:  to grow, spring up or come forth; to send out new growth.  This is a process that comes out of falling away or leaving behind. What do I mean? I am glad you asked! A seed has everything it needs to become what it was intended for, whether its a flower, a weed, or a tree! Now the seed isn't self sustaining BUT when placed in the right conditions it blooms and becomes exactly what it was intended. This seed growing process is called germination. Websters dictionary says germination is to cause to sprout or develop.  In this process, the seed coat must be shed for this new growth to begin. So you see, after the seed sheds its coat there is no going back! Now quick question, what did the seed do to begin this sprouting process? Did it have to figure out all the logistics and timing? NOPE, the seed dwelled in the conditions that brought out what it was already made to do!

So why am I talking about seeds, germination and sprouting? It's because it applies to life, to be specific it applies to my life. As a believer in Jesus Christ I am called to be like-Christ, I am called to be whom God has called me to be and this requires transformation. You see, a seed not in the right conditions won't be all that it is made to be. If I place myself in an environment that is not conducive of growth then I will lay dormant with all the potential the Lord has given me. BUT, if I dwell in places that result in germination I then become exactly what I was made to do, I begin to sprout. You see God hasn't called me to figure out how I am going to grow nor does He tell me to take control of my growing, or figure out this or that out. He calls me into his presence to dwell with him and to just allow his presence to do what it does best, germinate me and bring forth the sprouts. In Mark 4:26-27 Jesus says the Kingdom of God is like when a farmer spreads seed on the ground and through the night and day the seed sprouts and grows, bringing forth a harvest! The Kingdom is the perfect germination place for seeds to sprout. Why? Because where God's presence is, transformation happens. Just look at the times when Jesus calls his disciples, he said follow me!  He said leave what you are comfortable with and have known your whole life and follow me into New life, New sprouts, New growth (Matt. 16:24, Matt. 9:9, John 10:27)!

So am I telling you that for growth to happen something must fall away? That you can't experience growth doing the same thing over and over?  Yes, even nature tells us so, just look at the sprout. AND I am also saying stop trying to figure out how to sprout, rather place yourself in the environment that brings forth the natural growth process. Where can you find this environment? In Christ. Jesus has done the work already, it is already done and all you have to do is dwell. Dwell in the promises of God's word, dwell in his presence and HE WILL complete the work he started in you (Philippians 1:6)!

Psalm 139: 1-6,13-16

"O Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me. 2 You know when I sit down or stand up. You know my thoughts even when I'm far away. 3 You see me when I travel and when I rest at home. You know everything I do. 4 You know what I am going to say even before I say it, Lord . 5 You go before me and follow me. You place your hand of blessing on my head. 6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too great for me to understand!


13 You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb. 14 Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous-how well I know it. 15 You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. 16 You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. 17 How precious are your thoughts about me,  God. They cannot be numbered! 18 I can't even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand! And when I wake up, you are still with me!How precious are your thoughts about me, O God."

Thank You Lord for your grace and your all sufficiency!! Lord I pray there be a germination and sprouting among your children! Bring forth new growth and deep roots. I pray Lord for those who don't yet know you that their hearts will be softened and your word will begin to germinate in their hearts and minds. Give me eyes to see, ears to hear and heart to follow after you! In Jesus Name.

In Your Presence

Monday, September 25, 2023


Why do some just survive and others thrive in the presence of God?

Let's get some definitions out of the way. 

What does survive mean?

    -> to continue to function or live

What does thrive mean?

->To grow vigorously, to gain

So there is in obvious difference between the two. Surviving, I believe, requires more striving and leads to exhaustion. Where as, thriving is more ease and naturally brings about a great harvest. 

Last Sunday this question was posed and again in my small group. "Why do some just survive and others thrive in the presence of God?" My honest answer was "I don't know". For me personally I tend to survive/ I see myself as surviving. I get up, I work, I eat, I sleep, REPEAT.  I have my mental lists, mental to dos, bills, ect. And in the small group we discussed how "crazy" it is that the more you hold on to things, the more you try to have it all together, the more you realize you don't. Well during my morning walk I was thinking about this question, because honestly I didn't feel like I could answer it. WHAT IS IT that makes the difference in surviving and thriving in the presence of God? Then one word came to mind, SURRENDER. 

What does it mean to surrender?

->to yield to the power or control of another

-> to give up completely or forgo

You see I can survive by going through the motions, checking off the lists, looking at what is next, but in doing this I miss the goodness of God, I miss the rest and growth he wants for me. When I am surviving I am just bouncing from one thing to the next, leading myself to a state of exhaustion.  God wants me to thrive in His presence and He says to me "Lauren Surrender. Let go of what you feel like you  need to do, or feel like you need to say or feel like... Let go and TRUST ME". *Side note: a few years ago the Lord reminded me that when you let go of the reins then He will take you higher. Why is this? Because when I have the reins I think I am guiding my life in the right direction of what I deem good and I have to make sure everything goes correctly. BUT, when God has the reins he takes me to higher places that I couldn't even imagine and He is in control of the direction and outcome. You see God is Good (Psalm 103:8), He brings everything to completion and wants what is best for me (Philippians 1:6). God knows something that the world doesn't know. A surrendered heart removes the striving, removes just functioning, takes away the exhaustion and brings about vigorous growth, rejuvenation, joy, rest, clarity. 

You know what, surrender requires vulnerability and trust. Those who thrive in the presence of Jesus let go of their preferences, concerns, self-consciousness, ect. The extent of your surrender shows the extent of your thriving in Christ.

To be honest vulnerability is where I struggle most. BUT GOD, is so good to tell me, to show me, to guide me, to walk with me on this path of surrender. God puts his finger on places in our lives where there are idols, pride,  lies so that we may be free but we must chose to walk on the path of surrender and truth. In Matthew 10: 16-22 , Jesus pointed out a place where a rich young ruler needed to surrender. The man chose to walk away from the invitation, he didn't want to let go. Maybe he feared what would become of him, maybe he felt his identity was in the things he owned. The problem though is that he wouldn't surrender all of himself to Jesus, he didn't trust Jesus enough to provide all that he needs. I don't want to be that way, I want to give Jesus all that I have and surrender to Him continually.  

Luke 9:23~ If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross daily, and follow me.

God doesn't just want me on Sunday, or morning devotion. He wants my every step, my every being, every thought to be set on Him. 

1 John 2: 5-6~ But the love of God will be perfected within the one who obeys God's Word. We can be sure that we truly come to live in intimacy with God, not just by saying, " I am intimate with God" but by walking in the footsteps of Jesus.

LISTEN:  Only Jesus

I encourage you to go and listen to series called Rethinking the Church

Lord thank-you for loving me! I pray for that my posture in life becomes one of surrender, with arms wide open! If you can use anything Lord, you can use me! No matter how long it takes Lord, you have the reins. I want my life to scream YES to what you have for me Jesus. Thank you Lord! You are holy, sovereign, just and loving! I pray for all of those just surviving Lord, bring them to a place of surrender and thriving in you Jesus. Give us hearts to follow, ears to hear and eyes to see you rightly. In Jesus name. AMEN.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Prepare for Rain


What is preparation? The action/process of making ready.

One of my favorite movies is Facing the Giants, I mean I can quote most of the movie because I have seen it so many times!  There is a portion where Mr. Bridges tells a story of two farmers. Two farmers desperately needed rain but only one went out to prepare for the needed rain. Which one  do you think trusted God to send the rain?

The one that prepares for what he is praying for is the one who displays his trust in God. When Jesus was crucified and raised from the dead he visited his apostles and told them to wait in Jerusalem for the promised gift ,which is the Holy Spirit, that would be sent by God the Father (Acts 1:4,8; Luke 24:49). How long were they to wait? The answer is 50 days (on the day of Pentecost), but of course the apostles didn't know this.  So imagine this, Jesus says wait in Jerusalem till an unspecified time for the promised gift. One day passes, two days pass, a week passes, a month passes and from the outside nothing seems to be happening.  The Bible says not to grow weary in doing good and in due time the harvest will come (Galatians 6:9). So after 50 days where do we see the apostles, we see them not getting weary, they are still preparing for the promise that God gave them. They are found meeting together with other believers and in a moment the promise is filled and there is about 3000 people added to the family of God (Acts 2). You see what happens when a promise meets obedience? Joy, generosity, the blind see, people are set free, and love will overflow!

How does this apply to my life?   Another quote from Facing the Giants said "Your actions will always follow your belief".  You want to see what a person lives by or what they believe, watch what their actions tell you. We can see the story of the farmers that one believed the rain would come, we see that the apostles still had faith 50 days later, we see what they believed because of their actions. What good is a belief if you just think it and you act the opposite way? I would call that person a liar because they truly don't believe what they say? Why would I say this? Because actions follow your belief. The Bible says "What good is your faith if you don't show it? True faith in Jesus produces good deeds. (James 2:14-26) Isn't that amazing! Faith in Jesus  results in my actions changing and not because I am good but because God is good. How so? Well before I was saved my actions showed who I loved more, myself. I could do "good" things but it is all outward not an inward type of change. Now that I trust Jesus I am more concerned about what He delights in and not my own. Jesus transforms me from the inside which I couldn't do myself and this transformation results in my actions following suite.  So am I saved because of my actions? Nope. I am saved because of my faith in Jesus and that faith is active. (Ephesians 2:8-9).

Lord Thank you for another day to be part of your will. Lord I pray for your laborers that you stir us up. Help us to prepare for the influx of your harvest, Jesus. I pray for hearts of surrender and repentance Lord, we want more of you Jesus.  I pray that our obedience meets your promise so that lives will be changed Lord. Forgive me Jesus for going about life mundanely. You are my joy, my salvation, my hope. Touch your children today. In Jesus Name Amen.

Questions to ask myself

-Am I preparing for what I am praying for?

-Do my actions match what I believe?

-Am I living life with purpose?

You Never Give Up On Me

Voice of Truth

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Para Tu!

 I just got back from a missions trip to Guaimaca, Honduras and I miss it so much already! First off the weather was amazing and the mountains were beautiful! I love being surrounded by the beauty of God's hand. 

At Guaimaca they speak spanish and I can pick up a few words and say only a couple of phrases. Before I go on I just want to thank the Lord for the Honduran translators that assisted us! They were essential in sharing with the communities the love God has for them! 

Now, "Para Tu" is a phrase I used alot, it means "For you". Whether it was giving Bibles, beans and rice, toys, tracts, or money, Para Tu was my favorite phrase. Why? Because while handing them the item and saying Para Tu ,their face would light up. Whether it was a face of a cowboy, a wife or a child, excitement and joy rushed to the fore front! I love giving gifts and it is something about giving a needed gift at the right time that does my spirit good!

The Bible says in Proverbs 15:23 "A man has joy in giving an appropriate answer, And how good and delightful is a word spoken at the right moment--how good it is! How true is this! A good word or seed in a right season bears much fruit! 

On my trip I was surrounded by mountains and mountains reminds me of one of the names of God, Jehovah Jireh. In Genesis, Abraham was told to sacrifice his son and Abraham walked up the mountain to obey. AND at the top of that mountain, as Abraham had set his mind to obey and God provided a ram in a bush. Here Abraham named the place Jehovah Jireh which means " the Lord will provide" and people still use the proverb "On the mountain of the Lord it will be provided"; Genesis 22:13-14. If you don't know this story, I want to encourage you to go take a read (Genesis 22). But the Lord is true to His name! He will provide! 

Every day of the trip the Lord provided, whether that was having enough beans and rice, opening doors for conversations or just giving us the opportunity to walk out the joy of the Lord. But take notice this provision takes place after our hearts were set to obey. God doesn't ask us to have every answer or solution or every tool needed for the next season, He asks us to obey first. This obedience then leads to the "para tu" moment of provision. 

Today, back home, there was a Para Tu moment for me from God. During the trip I was able to wake up and just start my day with the Lord. It was a time of filling in preparation for the outpouring of the day. The first morning before going out into the villages the Lord pointed out the verse that says "All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ"-Ephesians 1:3 And in church this morning our pastor began with this verse! In that moment I knew the Lord was saying to me "this is FOR YOU!" and the joy that I felt was just overwhelming! It was kind of like the Lord gave me all of these Para Tu moments for those in Honduras and turned around and gave me the same thing back home! Oh how good the Father is! 

So I want to encourage believers take the step of obedience because the Lord wants to give gifts and promises that are Para Tu!

For those who don't know Jesus a the living God who died and was raised again so that you can live in freedom I want to challenge you to ask God a question. Ask him, If you are alive and want a relationship with me, show me. I believe He will! In Ephesians 1 it says that before God made the world before any living being roamed the earth He loved you and chose you to be adopted into His family AND this gave God great pleasure! Ephesisans 2 tells us that Salvation (being rescued from the chains of sin and brought into a relationship with the living God) is not a reward for the good things we have done but is a gift given through grace when you believe. 

For those who know Jesus as Savior, follow him as Lord and have become a part of his inheretance I want to remind you of the promises that are FOR YOU...PARA TU!

~Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, they WILL be filled- Matthew 5:6

~We are created new to that we can do the good things God has planned long ago!- Ephesisans 2:10

~We can come boldly and confidently into Gods presence -Ephesians 3:12

~God will finish the good work he started in you until it is fully complete!-Philippians 1:6

I want to end with a prayer from Paul for Spiritual Growth:

" When I think of all this, I fall to my knees and pray to the Father , the Creator of everything in heaven and on earth. I pray from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower yo with inner strength through his Spirit. Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God's love and keep you strong. And may you have the power to understand, as all God's people should, HOW WIDE< HOW LONG< HOW HIGH AND HOW DEEP HIS LOVE IS. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to undGod. Now all glory to God who is able, though his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. Glory to him in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations forever and ever! AMEN." ~ Ephesisans 3:14-21

One Name-JESUS

Monday, June 5, 2023

Loved while Running


The Lord has been working on my mind lately, showing me how to have a renewed mindset (A renewed mind-set). And for me that looks like  walls of lies being torn down and clarity in what I actually believe which becomes clear by examining my actions and thoughts.

 I mean it is one thing to hear something all your life and know it to be true vs really understanding and knowing in your mind the truth of the matter. Specifically, if someone were to ask me "What do you have to do for Jesus to love you?" I would say "nothing" he loves you as you are now, where you are. This is true,  God doesn't say "make yourself better before coming to me", instead He says come (Matthew 11: 28-30).  AND if I were to be honest with myself, I would say that my actions don't correlate with what I know to be true, which tells me my mindset on the matter is faulty. For example, the question was posed to me " What do I do that makes God happy?" The first things that came to my mind were: being kind to others, praying, reading the Word, going to church ect... These are all great and lovely things AND.. Jesus  loves me without the other stuff added. How do know I this? Because the Bible says God loved the WORLD that he gave his son to die for my sins and I can only love Him because He FIRST loved me (John 3:16-21;1John 4: 19). Where was I when God said He would give his son to the world because He loved me? I wasn't even thought of, hadn't even done good or bad, AND YET God said he loved me.  I mean, that is just AMAZING. The living God who gave breath to my lungs thought of me before I was even thought of! 

So lesson number one for me is knowing and understanding Jesus Loves me , He isn't in love with me because of the things I do, He is just in love with me! 

 Story time in lesson number one. 

--I run early in the morning. One morning I thought to myself "Ooo the sun is starting to come up maybe I can go out on the pier with my worship music and do a devotion ". Then in my mind the Holy Spirit said " You know you are loved now, not just with the sunset coming up and your devotion out". That thought made me giggle a little and at first I was kind of like "yea, of course" but then that statement really made me re-think. You see my mind was thinking God loves me when I spend time with Him. This is true but his love is not based on what I am doing, His love doesn't wane because of my actions. I am loved by Him PERIOD.  So you see I was running on an early morning, hot, sweaty and jamming to my  disney playlist and I was hit with the realization Jesus loves me even now! Whattttt sweaty old, disney listening, thinking about work old me on this early morning? The answer is YES! God loved me in my running AND he loves me the same when I am worshiping Him AND he loves me the same on days I miss out on reading his Word.  

Because I have said yes to Jesus, yes to surrendering what I thought I knew, yes to the uncomfortable, I can rest in the truths and promises of the Word.  Romans 8:15 tells those who have accepted Jesus as Lord that we didn't received a spirit of religious duty but rather full acceptance.  ~" we did not received the 'spirit of religious duty' leading you back in to the fear of never being good enough. But you have received the 'Spirit of full acceptance', enfolding you into the family of God" See, I have been called into the family of God without first having to do the "things". AND because I am made part of the family of God I qualify to share in all of Gods treasures and inherit all that Christ is and all that he has (Romans 8:17).

So whether you are exercising , on the couch paying bills, volunteering, cleaning or maybe you have been running from God. I want to tell you, you are loved! Right now, where you are, Jesus loves you! You don't have to work for His love! Where ever you are, who ever you are I want to remind you of Zechariah chapter 3. Zechariah was given a vision from the Lord. In this vision Satan was standing next to a priest (Joshua) ,in the presence of the Lord, accusing Joshua. The Lord's response was this " I the Lord reject your accusations. Yes, the Lord who has chosen Jerusalem, rebukes you!. This man is like a burning stick that has been snatched form the fire. " Joshua was standing their with filthy clothing BUT his filthy rags were taken off and new fine garments were placed on him. Then the angel said "see I have taken away your sins, and now I am giving you fine new clothes ~See here, God didn't call Joshua to fix himself up, or check off all the boxes to be good enough. He was pulled out of the fire and his filth was traded for what was good.  The lies of Satan are rejected! AMEN I no longer live a life with a blinded mind but clarity through the Holy Spirit. (Zechariah 3: 1-10)  And it is not too late for you, you don't have to get yourself together before coming to Jesus, and you don't have to work for His love. 

Thank you Lord for your grace! Thank you Father for sending Jesus to dress us in majesty! Thank you Holy Spirit for being the revealer of truths and one who guides and directs us into the deeper parts of who God is. Lord I pray for every mind, that revival in the minds will stir up. In Jesus' Name Amen.

A resource to check out: Walking Deeply with Jesus

Monday, April 17, 2023

A Renewed Mind-set

There are many things in this world that amaze me or causes me to be in awe. For example:
  • The Milky Way galaxy is just one of billions of galaxies in the universe and within this specific galaxy there are at least 100 billion stars.
  • If the Sun was the size of a front door, earth would be the size of a nickel. 
  • About 230,000 species in the ocean are known but scientists say that 91% of ocean species have yet to be classified.
  • The most complex part of the human body is approx 3lbs..the brain!

Of course this list is not exhaustive but just to think from something as large as the galaxy to something as small as the brain, intricacy can be found in it all! I just love that! 

Anyways, the Lord has been bringing to my attention the topic of the mind and the renewed mind-set.  Before I go any further I want to define some words because though words may seem common I think it is important to be able to give a clear picture and to do that sometimes common words should be defined outright. 
  • Mind 
    • Websters: the element or complex of elements in an individual that feels, perceives, thinks, wills, and reasons or the conscious mental events and capabilities in an organism
  • Mind-set
    • Websters: a mental attitude or inclination or fixed state of mind
  • Renew
    • Websters: to make like new: restore to freshness, vigor or perfection 
  • Brain:
    • Websters:portion of vertebrate central nervous system enclosed in the skull and that integrates sensory information from inside and outside the body
Now we know the brain is something physical, it can be seen via imaging or surgically. The mind though, is a whole other world that can't be seen. Many unseen battles are lost and won through out peoples lives on a daily basis because of the mind. There are people that can help with these unseen battles like psychiatrist, therapists, and counselors. AND (not but) there is a living God who cares about the whole of you, every aspect of your being.  So before I continue, I want to encourage you if you have struggles and unseen battles you are not alone and getting help isn't weak but rather an indication of strength. 
I want to share with you the aspect of help from the Lord. 

The mind is an amazing organism, powerful and sometimes it can work to our own detriment.  I can have so much on my brain that my mind doesn't seem to turn off, like I want to rest but I am thinking of all the scenarios; other times my mind seems clear and I am enjoying all the things.  Most times, for me, if my mind is feeling clouded I am stressed, worried, anxious, ect, which is all the negative stuff. As a christian, this makes sense, if I am stressed, worried, or anxious I am not relying on or putting my trust in Jesus.  

You see, scientists say positive thinking causes a persons mental and physical health to be better ( I believe this is true). Therefore if positive thinking of these earthly things causes a positive effect mentally and physically how much better will turning my thoughts to the One who is most holy and righteous effect my mental and physical? Let me give you an example, if I go to the best Italian restaurant in my town I am sure I will enjoy the classic spaghetti dish, I may even say it is the best spaghetti dish. If I then go to Italy and get their best spaghetti dish I am sure I would then say "Nope, that dish does not compare to this authentic Italian dish right here". Now back to thoughts, the world says "think positively" it will do you good,  God says "set your thoughts on me" this is better.  Just like this world has cause and effects so does the unseen spiritual world. 

In Romans, Paul speaks of the foundations for christian faith and I want to encourage each of you to take some time to read through it, but for right now in chapter 12 we see topics of christian living. 
Verses 1-2  says:
"Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God-- this is your true and proper worship. 
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect."

Paul is telling his family in Christ to remember the mercy God has shown them. What mercy? I am glad you asked :), before I answer that what is mercy?
  • Mercy
    • Websters: compassion shown especially to an offender
  • Compassion
    • Websters: sympathetic consciousness of others distress together with a desire to alleviate it
  • Offender
    • Websters: to violate or transgress a law or rule
What mercy am I bringing back to my remembrance? I need to remember the compassion that was shown to me for my own wrong doings. My offense to the living God. You see God declared that the cost for disobedience is death. Now a show of hands, who has never disobeyed what God has said? Exactly. So we are each an offender whose rightful judgment is death (not physical, spiritual. Complete separation from the living God) according to God's Word. BUT GOD, is faithful even through our unfaithfulness. He made a way for us to be covered under righteousness by sending Jesus to pay the debt we owed. 
Read Romans 3: 21-26. 
This is the mercy Paul calls us to remember. Because of the mercy God has shown me, I am encouraged/ urged to give my body as a living sacrifice that is holy and pleasing to God.  It is living offering because I am still alive here on earth and it is a sacrifice because I must surrender. Surrender what and to whom? My own will, desires, feelings, and control to the living God who always wants the best for me! I mean that sounds like a good deal right? Like I am the one who made the offense and my debt was paid, then I am called to surrender to the one who has my best interest in mind! How loving is this kind of God! Paul continues to say, this surrendering of our lives is true honor and reverence to the Lord. After which, Paul says don't be conformed but be transformed. 
  • Conform: to give the same shape or to be similar or identical to
  • Transform: to change in composition to or change in character
*Side note: this is why it is important to define words. I mean I have read this verse plenty of times, but today when comparing these two words it really made me go wow! I understand a little bit more* Thank-you Holy Spirit for opening my eyes, ears and heart to the Word today!

Okay so Paul says "Hey my family, remember what Jesus has done for you, surrender to Him and don't be conformed to this world but transformed".  God wants his children to be transformed. Remember, we are the the offender and we are offered an opportunity to have our debt paid AND God calls us out of our offense to be transformed and changed. We aren't left how we came to him, THANK GOD! 
Paul says "Don't be the same as the world but be changed".  How? By the renewing of our mind.  Our mind needs to be refreshed or restored to what is true and holy. Many of those battles in the mind are lost because of lies. So how do we win? We have to refresh our mind/thoughts on what is true. No longer should I allow doubt, fear, condemnation, and anxiety rule and wash over my mind. NO. I must recall, remember, and wash over my mind the truths of the Word which was spoken by the God that loved me so much that he died, resurrected and conquered death just for me! 

Finally Paul says THEN. Which means AFTER remembering Gods mercy, surrendering my life and allowing myself to be transformed by renewing my mind in truth THEN I will learn God's will for myself which is good, pleasing and perfect! Thank you Jesus!! God has a plan for me that is good, pleasing and perfect. You know what this tells me once again? He really loves me, I mean he really cares about my life now and after here! And this love doesn't only pertain to me or other Christians, this is for those who aren't Christians (Romans 5:8). God loved you before you even decide to love Him and He wants what is best for you! He won't force you, but he will continue to ask you to trust Him.

Thank you Lord for being a living God who cares for and rejoices over me! You Love me fully and desire for me to be transformed into your image (2 Corinthians 3:18). Lord tend to the weeds in my mind as I refresh your truth over my thoughts. Help me to love you more and love others well. You are holy, magnificent, all powerful, and you are the essence of truth and love. I pray for your children Lord that a stirring in the hearts will occur, that we will long for more of you! I pray for those Lord who don't know you yet, that this week they will see and experience your love and peace in their life. 
Help my answer to be YES Jesus. In Jesus Name AMEN.

Verses pertaining to thoughts and the mind:
  • Take captive every thought to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5)
  • Set your thoughts on what is good (Philippians 4:8)
  • Renew your mind (Romans 12:2)
  • Have the mindset of Christ (Philippians 2:5)
  • Have alert minds (1 Peter 1:13)

Zephaniah 3:17 says " For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty Savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With His love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs" 

Below is a link to where a sermon about the mind will be posted once updated:

A new song:
You can have my heart You can have it all Laying down my life No matter what the cost
Chorus Only Jesus all my days No greater presence No sweeter name The cross before me The world behind I have decided only Jesus Bridge No turning back no turning back I have decided Only Jesus