Sunday, December 8, 2024

Whose Report Will You Believe?

The summer of 2017 my mom had a reoccurrence of cancer that put her in the hospital. I remember one day sitting there, listening to the doctor and he says something along the lines of "Well there nothing to be done now,  she ins't going to get better". I was immediately taken aback and offended. I said "Excuse me, do you believe in Jesus?". He then seemed taken a back and stuttered an answer. I then continued and said "we believe in Jesus and if he wants to heal my mom He can , He is who we trust. So please don't speak death over her".  He proceeded to walk out the room. The audacity!, I thought. Haha really, though I don't play about my family. And if you don't know Jesus then I can only take your words but so far because in my life God has the final say!

Sometimes life be lifin'! Like it may seem like it never lets up, and more than seem, it is actually not letting up. One hit after another. But it is in these moments you have to ask yourself whose report will you believe? Will you believe the reports you hear or see in the hour by hour or will you look up and believe the report of the living God? And I don't mean who do you just say you believe in,  your actions will reveal  who you believe. If we are honest with ourselves and assess our actions we may see we are trusting  the wrong report. I know for myself I can find myself being engulfed with worry, dread or despair.  Or even when I see the devils hand on my family. In these moments our actions and  thoughts reveal where our trust truly lies. 

This is where I believe the zeal of the Lord should push Christians into action. In Matthew 21:12-13 we see Jesus become angry because the hand of the devil at work on His house! Jesus saw the report and said no not in God's house, the report of truth will prevail! Jesus action fulfilled what was said in Psalm 69:9, "Zeal for the house of the Lord will consume me". Where is the consuming zeal of the Lords people that propels us into action? Could this lack of zeal into action reveal to us who we really stay in relationship with? It is only one of two relationships we can find ourselves in, God or the devil? Too harsh? No but it should kind of knick us in the rear and stir up a change. It is sometimes easy to fall into the despair and I believe if I look, those are times I am in relationship with the devil... Do I mean sitting at a table eating talking with the devil? No I mean those are times where I have been distracted, doing everything but growing my relationship with God. Whether that is being consumed with work, TV, gossip, friends, family whatever it is is. Anything that keeps you preoccupied over God is a distraction that leaves you open to the attacks of the devil. God has told his children to put on the full armor of God so that you can stand against the attacks of the devil (Ephesians 6:10-17).  How do we put on this armor? We stay in relationship with God. We have to daily bathe our minds in the promises of God. Spend time in the presence of God, letting his Spirit cover us and give us knew perspectives. As we do this, the veil of deception lifts and we can rightly see and declare the promises of God over our lives, our family lives and friends lives. 

You see the Bible, time and time again, shows that prayer to Jesus changes things. When the devil has a plan, God has one better. An ordained person to pray over that situation, be a light in that environment, which begins to shift the atmosphere. Why? Not because of the person but because of the living God the person has placed their trust in. The God who has gone before them and given them the winning plan.  And it isn't only certain Christians, all Christians it is your job to pray. Pray for that friend, that family member, that coworker. Be a reflection of who Jesus is and has shown himself to be. 

 There should be a "how dare you devil!" moment when he rears his head. Not a despairing moment and taking the punches. No devil! I refuse to allow your turmoil to come over my family! In Joshua 24: 14-15, Joshua declares to the people. Decide today, who you will serve? Whose report will you believe, the devil or the living God? For me and my house, we will serve the Lord!

Thank you Lord for your grace and mercy! Thank you Lord for giving me the ability to intercede for others! Help me to take the responsibility seriously and become zealous for your house when I see the attacks of the devil around me! Forgive me Lord when I have not put on the full armor and allowed distractions and discouragements to frame my perspective. You are the one that is true, You are the one I will chose to believe and follow! I love you Lord, help me to love you more! In Jesus Name, AMEN.

Watch the War Room Snip-it: Submit to God, Resist the Devil

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Who Do You Say That I AM?

Who am I? Depending on what group of people you ask, you could get varying answers. If you ask family, friends, co-workers there will be similarities in responses but they all won't be exactly the same because they know me in varying degrees or aspects. Now if you were to ask strangers or acquaintances their answers would be much more different and possibly wrong. Why? It is because one group has a relationship with me and the other doesn't.  Strangers can only make assumptions, or mimic others, because there is no relationship, no communication.

This can be the same way for God. 

I was doing a devotional and I was reading in Matthew 16 where Jesus begins to ask the disciples who do people say that I am? The disciples gave varying answers saying "some people say John the Baptist, some Elijah, others Jeremiah and even some a prophet" (Matt. 16: 13-14). Do you see, Jesus was being called five different things from the people on the outside (essentially strangers). These people did not have a close relationship with  Jesus and therefore assumptions, rumors begin to form. 

Jesus' next question was to those whom he knew, walked with, was forming relationship with. Jesus said "But who do YOU say that I am"? (Matt. 13:15).  Peter speaks up and says "You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God" (Matt. 13:16). This was an answer from someone close with Jesus, one who walked with him and communed with him. God had revealed to Peter the true answer of who Jesus was. Peter's answer didn't match up to all the other rumors going around from the people on the outside. Why? I am going to boil it down to one word: Relationship. And I am going to go as far as to say Active Relationship. 

Let's define some words.
Relationship: The way in which two or more concepts, objects, or people are connected.
Active: engaging or ready to engage in physically energetic pursuits.

So I am going to define active relationship as energetic pursuit to connect. Wow I mean that really places the ball in both courts here, it isn't one sided. When you have a relationship with someone you begin to see the other person as they truly are, you begin to be able to trust that person, you learn their voice, their mannerisms. When you have an active relationship, pursuit is happening on both ends and deeper growth, trust, and love develops.  As this active relationship develops you then can point out imposters and who really knows this person or who just has heard about them or is a complete stranger. So when someone asks you who is so and so, you can confidently say they are.....because you have put in the effort to know them and they you. 

This brings me back to the question, Who Do You Say that I AM? and not me the blogger. God asks me, who do I say that He is?
God the Father. Jesus. Holy Spirit. Who Do I say that they are?  My answer reflects my relationship status. Am I a stranger that makes assumptions,  am I one with a surface level relationship or do I have a deep active relationship to be able to answer rightly?  You see with active relationship more revelation happens, more understanding , more love, more trust, more faith. So yes God is the God of peace (Jhn 14:27), Jesus is Savior (Isa12:12), Holy Spirit is Comforter (Jhn 14:26). AND when your relationship is active what is true about God becomes personal for you! So not only is the Holy Spirit a comforter, He is the comforter that comforted you during a family death. Not only is God the God of peace, He is the God that brought peace int he middle of your storm! Jesus isn't only the one who died the save the world, He is the Jesus that saved you from your own destruction.  You see God is a personal God, He doesn't want you to just hear or read about Him. God has called you closer, a closer walk, a closer relationship, a deeper love, a greater knowledge of who He truly is in your life.  Why? Because he doesn't want the lies and assumptions of the world or your thoughts to disrupt or misconstrue the genuine love he has for you.

You see it's hard to trust someone who you don't know. This is fact 100% for me. I struggle with trusting people especially if I don't really know you. People are fickle, they let you down, they can lie. BUT God is not any of those things and you come to know that by having an active relationship with Him. God shows himself to be true to His word, he never fails, and he always wants best for you! 
And the best part is, your relationship with God whether the lack there of or not, has already started. It started with His active pursuit of you! (Jhn 3:16-17). 

Lord, thank you for your grace in my life. Thank-you for pursuing me Lord and never giving up, never growing disgruntled or weary. Jesus you are Holy and Sovereign. You are with me in the journey called life. I pray for deeper roots Lord, deeper love for you as I know you more. Thank you Jesus for eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart to follow. I pray for all those who don't know your love for them yet, that your Holy Spirit will touch their hearts and minds. That truth will penetrate their lives. 
In Jesus Name, Amen.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Press Start

 This past Sunday I was talking with the Lord and I said "Thank you for keeping me and priming me". Once I said that I begin to imagine a generator (and with my elementary knowledge on them), I saw the string being pulled a few times then realizing start had to be pressed on for it to begin. You see without the start switch the priming has no effect. 

Now let's define prime.

-Prime: make (something) ready for use or action

-Priming: a substance that prepares something for use or action

In both of these definitions we see the words make ready/prepare, for use and action.

-Prepare:Make ready for use or consideration; make ready or able to do or deal with something

-For Use: the action of using something or the state of being used for a purpose

-Action:The fact or process of doing something, typically to achieve an aim

First point: You are being primed, even if you don't see it right now.

When I said thank-you for priming me. What  I meant was "thank-you Lord for preparing me, readying me"..... For what? You know I don't know. Why am I thanking Him for something I don't even know the end result for because I know God is good, He is a promise keeper and nothing He does is in vain. So what spurred this on for me? Well I was looking back over my life and seeing how God has guided me....(pause, if you don't know me I have songs popping in my head all the time especially when phrases match up. So if you don't know this song reference go take a listen! You've Been So Faithful).  You see I had a plan, I was going to have certain accomplishments, I was going to be living certain places, I would have certain relationships but life didn't work out that way. And in those moments/seasons I felt defeated and didn't understand why, because I felt I was suppose to be at a different point or somewhere else. I look back know from where I am and realize what I didn't understand then, is what I needed to get to where I am now. It all lines up! How so? because life isn't perfect, loss happens, mess ups happen, regrets come BUT GOD. You see God is so good, uses all of life circumstances to fulfill his purpose for you. Nothing will go to waste. In Romans 8: 26-30, we are told that Christians are given the Holy Spirit to help us where we are weak and leads us in harmony with God's will. We have been chosen and called  to the living the God. AND THEN, if we continue on in Romans 8: 31-39 we see nothing can separate us from the love of God and he has made us to be in right standing with Him (not because of my actions but because of His actions). It continues to say despite all of the hard ache in life we have an overwhelming victory in Him. We are on the winning side. 

So as I sit here, as I wonder what I am doing, what does God want for me, am I wasting time. I must REMEMBER who God is, what He says and know His promises for me. You see remembrance is a powerful thing. God called his people to don't forget and remember many times! (See Continual Forgetfulness) Why? Because if you remember what God has brought you through, if you look back and see the Goodness of God you can point to where his hand was guiding you in hindsight. Then you have hope! The hope that the same God who had you back then, when you didn't understand, is the same God who has you now, when you don't understand! Praise God! Thank you Lord! Does that make you want to shout!! I mean Hebrews 13:5-6 tells us God says "I will NEVER fail you, I will never abandon you!" SO I can now say with CONFIDENCE "The Lord is my helper, so I will have no fear/ What can mere people do to me!". 

Second: Press start, take action. DON'T BE IDLE

Now that you know you have been primed for the here and now from what was before. AND you are being primed from your current situation for what is to come. What are you going to do? Does that mean I just sit back and keep waiting for whats next? NOPE! You see back to the generator, if I never turn on the generator, doesn't matter how much priming I do no action will come. What the generator was meant to do won't happen it will stand there idle. This is what we can do with God sometimes. He has primed us, he has prepared us but we sit there waiting, being idle because we aren't where we want to be or we can pitch fits looking at all that hasn't gone our way. I must say I am guilty. I fall into the why me, whats the point BUT GOD is so good. He waits on me to press the start in my life. Start fixing my eyes to what is true, fix my eyes to the promises of God, fix my eyes to what God is doing in my life here and now. Before we press start, we are just idle but it is when we take action and say YES Lord, because the Lord has primed us already. 1 Corinthians 1:6-9 tells us what Jesus says is true. He has provided EVERY spiritual gift that I need and that God will keep me strong. He invites us to a partnership with Him! He wants to walk out life with you, not walk out life for you but along side you! 

Sometimes I find myself living for whats next, where next but God hasn't called me to live life just to get to the next thing. He has called me to live life now, here where I am brining glory to his name. Using what God has already primed me for here in my current situation and trusting the same God that walked with me before is walking with me now. And that can look differently for everyone because we are all in different seasons and parts of life. But its the same faithful God through each season that has readied you for such a time as this (For Such A Time As This). You see back in Esther 4:14 Mordecai encourages Esther letting her know if she just stays idle what if nothing happens? What if God called you, prepared you for such a time as this?

So I say to myself. What if God has prepared me for this time and moment? What if he prepared you for the here and now? What will you do? You are primed for this believer, don't stand idle. Remember the times God has got you through and press start today! You are ready!

Thank you Lord for your grace! You are holy, true, gracious! Thank you for never being afraid of my big emotions, worries, confusion. Holy Spirit you walk through life with me! Your promises are yes and amen. You are the living God who sees all. You have called me to action because you already know you have prepared me. Forgive me Lord when I have stood idle. Your mercies are new every morning and today I press start. AMEN

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Present in His Presence

Sometimes I find myself being present but not really present. What do I mean? For instance, I am in a group we are having a conversation and then next thing I know I am pondering on all the things...What do I need to get done today? What bills are due? What is my dog doing? Will work be a long day? I wonder if there will be traffic? What am I going to eat?....ect. Then the next thing I know I "come back" to the group and am trying to figure out what we are talking about now. 

A few weeks ago during sunday service worship I began praying that we would be present in God's presence, that I would be present in His presence... I truly believe how we act with people around us can reflect how we treat the Lord. What do I mean? Well let me ask some questions. Are you impatient with people and do you find yourself being impatient with the Lord? Do you put on a mask for those around you and do you put on a mask when you speak with the Lord? Do you question the motives of others and do you question the motives of the Lord ?....These are just a few and maybe you have no idea what I am talking about and that's okay. I know for me and my life, I see the correlation.

For about a month-ish I found myself just in a funk. I couldn't place it but there was a heaviness that  wouldn't shake off. I began just getting discouraged feeling as though I am just going through the motions of life but for what? While feeling this I also knew these weren't feelings from the Lord. The devil was working overtime but not just that I was allowing myself to walk in the lies. I find in my life, when I am feeling most distracted or weighed down is when I have let the worries of life cloud over my mind. So where was I going wrong? I was present but not present...with who? The Lord. I found myself becoming distracted with the things. So instead of setting aside the worries, the worries were allowed to invade my peace. And let me tell you worries and peace do not mix AND what you set your eyes on most is what will reign in your life

In Philippians 4:4-9, Paul gives us some advice on standing firm in the Lord. It says  in verse 4 "Rejoice in the Lord always, again I will say rejoice". First thing is first, you can't rejoice and worry at the same time, impossible. Verse 5-6 says "Let your gentleness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God".  Paul tells us the Lord is near, let others see the effect of His presence in your life. He said to lay your burdens at the feet of Jesus, let him know whats up!.. Oh how good our God is, the one who created all things, knows all things and stills want you to release it all to Him. Then in verse 7 it says  "And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus".  What does Gods peace do? It will keep us, every part of us. Our hearts and minds will be kept safe in His peace. What is peace? "freedom from disturbance; tranquility". So when we rejoice in the Lord, give Him all our worries and concerns, His peace will keep us!.. Verses 8-9  says: "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you learned and received and heard and seen in me(Paul)- practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you". Paul tells us what to keep our minds on and that when we do this, when we practice setting our minds on what is true that the God of peace will be with you! These verses are a call to action! 

So do you see, I found myself doing the same thing I could do in a group setting but with the Lord. Becoming distracted. I could sit down read the Word, be in a service, or listening to worship music and still not be fully present, becoming distracted by the worries of life. Was the presence of the Lord with me still? Yes but the question is, was I sitting with the Lord fully present? Was I allowing His presence to heal, change, correct or guide me? Or was I too concerned about how I would fix this or that? 

As I become fully present in the presence of the Lord something happens. Truth enters and change begins. Hebrews 13:20-21 says "Now may the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back rom the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with every good thing to do His will. And may He accomplish in us what is pleasing in His sight through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen". Jesus is starter and finisher, He will accomplish IN US what pleases Him. 

Will I take the time to reside in that transformative presence? All through out the Bible, whatever God speaks over, resides in, touches, a transformation happens.   Don't believe me? read the stories of the Bible they testify of this transformative presence.  Just a few days ago, my mind began to wonder, lies from the devil began to flood in BUT in an instance the Holy Spirit brought to my mind the song "Voice of Truth". So I begin to sing "But the Voice of Truth tells me a different story. The voice of truth says don't be afraid, and the voice of truth says this is for my glory. Out of all the voices calling out to me, I will choose to listen and believe the voice of truth!"..And in that moment I went from worrying to rejoicing!  And I could have easily missed the moment of truth the Lord had for me if I had decided to dwell in my worries and not choose to be present in Gods presence.

I hope this encourages someone. I want to encourage you to be present with Jesus, be transparent and let His presence bring transformation in your life. Let the God of peace reside over your hearts and mind. Take your eyes off the "things", place your gaze on the one who brings about the change. 

Thank-you Lord for your grace Lord. Thank you Jesus for being with me in the storms and sunny days. You will never leave me nor forsake me. Holy Spirit continue to guide me, speak to me and transform my mind. I pray Lord that the peace of God will reside in the lives, homes, hearts and minds of your people. Let us see you Jesus are you are! Lord I love you! Help me to love you more! Give me eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart to Follow. 

In Jesus' Name AMEN

Listen to song below:

Voice of Truth